module documentation


Class MSVCCompiler Undocumented
Function lib_opts_if_msvc Add flags if we are using MSVC compiler
Function _merge Concatenate two environment paths avoiding repeats.
def lib_opts_if_msvc(build_cmd): (source)

Add flags if we are using MSVC compiler

We can't see build_cmd in our scope, because we have not initialized the distutils build command, so use this deferred calculation to run when we are building the library.

def _merge(old, new): (source)

Concatenate two environment paths avoiding repeats.

Here old is the environment string before the base class initialize function is called and new is the string after the call. The new string will be a fixed string if it is not obtained from the current environment, or the same as the old string if obtained from the same environment. The aim here is not to append the new string if it is already contained in the old string so as to limit the growth of the environment string.

old:stringPrevious environment string.
new:stringNew environment string.
stringret - Updated environment string.