module documentation


Function byte_bounds Returns pointers to the end-points of an array.
Function deprecate Issues a DeprecationWarning, adds warning to old_name's docstring, rebinds old_name.__name__ and returns the new function object.
Function deprecate_with_doc Deprecates a function and includes the deprecation in its docstring.
Function get_include Return the directory that contains the NumPy *.h header files.
Function info Get help information for a function, class, or module.
Function issubclass_ Determine if a class is a subclass of a second class.
Function issubsctype Determine if the first argument is a subclass of the second argument.
Function lookfor Do a keyword search on docstrings.
Function safe_eval Protected string evaluation.
Function show_runtime Print information about various resources in the system including available intrinsic support and BLAS/LAPACK library in use
Function source Print or write to a file the source code for a NumPy object.
Function who Print the NumPy arrays in the given dictionary.
Class _Deprecate Decorator class to deprecate old functions.
Function _get_indent Determines the leading whitespace that could be removed from all the lines.
Function _getmembers Undocumented
Function _info Provide information about ndarray obj.
Function _lookfor_generate_cache Generate docstring cache for given module.
Function _makenamedict Undocumented
Function _median_nancheck Utility function to check median result from data for NaN values at the end and return NaN in that case. Input result can also be a MaskedArray.
Function _opt_info Returns a string contains the supported CPU features by the current build.
Function _split_line Undocumented
Variable _dictlist Undocumented
Variable _function_signature_re Undocumented
Variable _lookfor_caches Undocumented
Variable _namedict Undocumented
def byte_bounds(a): (source)

Returns pointers to the end-points of an array.


>>> I = np.eye(2, dtype='f'); I.dtype
>>> low, high = np.byte_bounds(I)
>>> high - low == I.size*I.itemsize
>>> I = np.eye(2); I.dtype
>>> low, high = np.byte_bounds(I)
>>> high - low == I.size*I.itemsize
a:ndarrayInput array. It must conform to the Python-side of the array interface.
tuple of 2 integers(low, high) - The first integer is the first byte of the array, the second integer is just past the last byte of the array. If a is not contiguous it will not use every byte between the (low, high) values.
def deprecate(*args, **kwargs): (source)

Issues a DeprecationWarning, adds warning to old_name's docstring, rebinds old_name.__name__ and returns the new function object.

This function may also be used as a decorator.


Note that olduint returns a value after printing Deprecation Warning:

>>> olduint = np.deprecate(np.uint)
DeprecationWarning: `uint64` is deprecated! # may vary
>>> olduint(6)
func:functionThe function to be deprecated.
old_name:str, optionalThe name of the function to be deprecated. Default is None, in which case the name of func is used.
new_name:str, optionalThe new name for the function. Default is None, in which case the deprecation message is that old_name is deprecated. If given, the deprecation message is that old_name is deprecated and new_name should be used instead.
message:str, optionalAdditional explanation of the deprecation. Displayed in the docstring after the warning.
functionold_func - The deprecated function.
def deprecate_with_doc(msg): (source)

Deprecates a function and includes the deprecation in its docstring.

This function is used as a decorator. It returns an object that can be used to issue a DeprecationWarning, by passing the to-be decorated function as argument, this adds warning to the to-be decorated function's docstring and returns the new function object.

See Also

Decorate a function such that it issues a DeprecationWarning
msg:strAdditional explanation of the deprecation. Displayed in the docstring after the warning.
def get_include(): (source)

Return the directory that contains the NumPy *.h header files.

Extension modules that need to compile against NumPy should use this function to locate the appropriate include directory.


When using distutils, for example in

import numpy as np
Extension('extension_name', ...
def info(object=None, maxwidth=76, output=None, toplevel='numpy'): (source)

Get help information for a function, class, or module.

See Also

source, lookfor


When used interactively with an object, is equivalent to help(obj) on the Python prompt or obj? on the IPython prompt.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
   polyval(p, x)
     Evaluate the polynomial p at x.

When using a string for object it is possible to get multiple results.

>>>'fft') # doctest: +SKIP
     *** Found in numpy ***
Core FFT routines
     *** Found in numpy.fft ***
 fft(a, n=None, axis=-1)
     *** Repeat reference found in numpy.fft.fftpack ***
     *** Total of 3 references found. ***
object:object or str, optionalInput object or name to get information about. If object is a numpy object, its docstring is given. If it is a string, available modules are searched for matching objects. If None, information about info itself is returned.
maxwidth:int, optionalPrinting width.
output:file like object, optionalFile like object that the output is written to, default is None, in which case sys.stdout will be used. The object has to be opened in 'w' or 'a' mode.
toplevel:str, optionalStart search at this level.
def issubclass_(arg1, arg2): (source)

Determine if a class is a subclass of a second class.

issubclass_ is equivalent to the Python built-in issubclass, except that it returns False instead of raising a TypeError if one of the arguments is not a class.


>>> np.issubclass_(np.int32, int)
>>> np.issubclass_(np.int32, float)
>>> np.issubclass_(np.float64, float)
arg1:classInput class. True is returned if arg1 is a subclass of arg2.
arg2:class or tuple of classes.Input class. If a tuple of classes, True is returned if arg1 is a subclass of any of the tuple elements.
boolout - Whether arg1 is a subclass of arg2 or not.
def issubsctype(arg1, arg2): (source)

Determine if the first argument is a subclass of the second argument.


>>> np.issubsctype('S8', str)
>>> np.issubsctype(np.array([1]), int)
>>> np.issubsctype(np.array([1]), float)
arg1:dtype or dtype specifierData-types.
arg2:dtype or dtype specifierData-types.
boolout - The result.
def lookfor(what, module=None, import_modules=True, regenerate=False, output=None): (source)

Do a keyword search on docstrings.

A list of objects that matched the search is displayed, sorted by relevance. All given keywords need to be found in the docstring for it to be returned as a result, but the order does not matter.

See Also

source, info


Relevance is determined only roughly, by checking if the keywords occur in the function name, at the start of a docstring, etc.


>>> np.lookfor('binary representation') # doctest: +SKIP
Search results for 'binary representation'
    Return the binary representation of the input number as a string.
    Given a binary dump as given by GNU od -b, look for long double
    Return a string representation of a number in the given base system.
what:strString containing words to look for.
module:str or list, optionalName of module(s) whose docstrings to go through.
import_modules:bool, optionalWhether to import sub-modules in packages. Default is True.
regenerate:bool, optionalWhether to re-generate the docstring cache. Default is False.
output:file-like, optionalFile-like object to write the output to. If omitted, use a pager.
def safe_eval(source): (source)

Protected string evaluation.

Evaluate a string containing a Python literal expression without allowing the execution of arbitrary non-literal code.


This function is identical to ast.literal_eval and has the same security implications. It may not always be safe to evaluate large input strings.


>>> np.safe_eval('1')
>>> np.safe_eval('[1, 2, 3]')
[1, 2, 3]
>>> np.safe_eval('{"foo": ("bar", 10.0)}')
{'foo': ('bar', 10.0)}
>>> np.safe_eval('import os')
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> np.safe_eval('open("/home/user/.ssh/id_dsa").read()')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Call object at 0x...>
source:strThe string to evaluate.
objectobj - The result of evaluating source.
SyntaxErrorIf the code has invalid Python syntax, or if it contains non-literal code.
def show_runtime(): (source)

Print information about various resources in the system including available intrinsic support and BLAS/LAPACK library in use

See Also

Show libraries in the system on which NumPy was built.


  1. Information is derived with the help of threadpoolctl library.
  2. SIMD related information is derived from __cpu_features__, __cpu_baseline__ and __cpu_dispatch__


>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.show_runtime()
[{'simd_extensions': {'baseline': ['SSE', 'SSE2', 'SSE3'],
                      'found': ['SSSE3',
                      'not_found': ['AVX512F',
 {'architecture': 'Zen',
  'filepath': '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/',
  'internal_api': 'openblas',
  'num_threads': 12,
  'prefix': 'libopenblas',
  'threading_layer': 'pthreads',
  'user_api': 'blas',
  'version': '0.3.20'}]
def source(object, output=sys.stdout): (source)

Print or write to a file the source code for a NumPy object.

The source code is only returned for objects written in Python. Many functions and classes are defined in C and will therefore not return useful information.

See Also

lookfor, info


>>> np.source(np.interp)                        #doctest: +SKIP
In file: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/
def interp(x, xp, fp, left=None, right=None):
    """.... (full docstring printed)"""
    if isinstance(x, (float, int, number)):
        return compiled_interp([x], xp, fp, left, right).item()
        return compiled_interp(x, xp, fp, left, right)

The source code is only returned for objects written in Python.

>>> np.source(np.array)                         #doctest: +SKIP
Not available for this object.
object:numpy objectInput object. This can be any object (function, class, module, ...).
output:file object, optionalIf output not supplied then source code is printed to screen (sys.stdout). File object must be created with either write 'w' or append 'a' modes.
def who(vardict=None): (source)

Print the NumPy arrays in the given dictionary.

If there is no dictionary passed in or vardict is None then returns NumPy arrays in the globals() dictionary (all NumPy arrays in the namespace).


Prints out the name, shape, bytes and type of all of the ndarrays present in vardict.


>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> b = np.ones(20)
>>> np.who()
Name            Shape            Bytes            Type
a               10               80               int64
b               20               160              float64
Upper bound on total bytes  =       240
>>> d = {'x': np.arange(2.0), 'y': np.arange(3.0), 'txt': 'Some str',
... 'idx':5}
>>> np.who(d)
Name            Shape            Bytes            Type
x               2                16               float64
y               3                24               float64
Upper bound on total bytes  =       40
vardict:dict, optionalA dictionary possibly containing ndarrays. Default is globals().
Noneout - Returns 'None'.
def _get_indent(lines): (source)

Determines the leading whitespace that could be removed from all the lines.

def _getmembers(item): (source)


def _info(obj, output=None): (source)

Provide information about ndarray obj.


Copied over from the numarray module prior to its removal. Adapted somewhat as only numpy is an option now.

Called by info.

obj:ndarrayMust be ndarray, not checked.
outputWhere printed output goes.
def _lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate): (source)

Generate docstring cache for given module.

module:str, None, moduleModule for which to generate docstring cache
import_modules:boolWhether to import sub-modules in packages.
regenerate:boolRe-generate the docstring cache
dict {obj_full_name: (docstring, kind, index), ...}cache - Docstring cache for the module, either cached one (regenerate=False) or newly generated.
def _makenamedict(module='numpy'): (source)


def _median_nancheck(data, result, axis): (source)

Utility function to check median result from data for NaN values at the end and return NaN in that case. Input result can also be a MaskedArray.

data:arraySorted input data to median function
result:Array or MaskedArrayResult of median function.
axis:intAxis along which the median was computed.
scalar or ndarrayresult - Median or NaN in axes which contained NaN in the input. If the input was an array, NaN will be inserted in-place. If a scalar, either the input itself or a scalar NaN.
def _opt_info(): (source)

Returns a string contains the supported CPU features by the current build.

The string format can be explained as follows:
  • dispatched features that are supported by the running machine end with *.
  • dispatched features that are "not" supported by the running machine end with ?.
  • remained features are representing the baseline.
def _split_line(name, arguments, width): (source)


_dictlist = (source)


_function_signature_re = (source)


_lookfor_caches: dict = (source)


_namedict = (source)
