class documentation

class DunderCallChecker(BaseChecker): (source)

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Check for unnecessary dunder method calls. Docs: We exclude names in list pylint.constants.EXTRA_DUNDER_METHODS such as __index__ (see since these either have no alternative method of being called or have a genuine use case for being called manually. Additionally, we exclude classes that are not instantiated since these might be used to access the dunder methods of a base class of an instance. We also exclude dunder method calls on super() since these can't be written in an alternative manner.

Static Method within_dunder_def Check if dunder method call is within a dunder method definition.
Method open Called before visiting project (i.e. set of modules).
Method visit_call Check if method being called is an unnecessary dunder method.
Class Variable msgs Undocumented
Class Variable name Name of the provider.
Class Variable options Options provided by this provider.
Class Variable priority Undocumented
Instance Variable _dunder_methods Undocumented

Inherited from BaseChecker:

Method __eq__ Permit to assert Checkers are equal.
Method __gt__ Sorting of checkers.
Method __hash__ Make Checker hashable.
Method __init__ Checker instances should have the linter as argument.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ This might be incomplete because multiple classes inheriting BaseChecker can have the same name.
Method add_message Undocumented
Method check_consistency Check the consistency of msgid.
Method close Called after visiting project (i.e set of modules).
Method create_message_definition_from_tuple Undocumented
Method get_full_documentation Undocumented
Method get_map_data Undocumented
Method get_message_definition Undocumented
Method reduce_map_data Undocumented
Class Variable enabled Undocumented
Class Variable reports Undocumented
Instance Variable linter Undocumented
Property messages Undocumented

Inherited from _ArgumentsProvider (via BaseChecker):

Method get_option_def DEPRECATED: Return the dictionary defining an option given its name.
Method level.setter Undocumented
Method load_defaults DEPRECATED: Initialize the provider using default values.
Method option_attrname DEPRECATED: Get the config attribute corresponding to opt.
Method option_value DEPRECATED: Get the current value for the given option.
Method options_and_values DEPRECATED.
Method options_by_section DEPRECATED: Return an iterator on options grouped by section.
Method set_option DEPRECATED: Method called to set an option (registered in the options list).
Class Variable option_groups_descs Option groups of this provider and their descriptions.
Property config Undocumented
Property level Undocumented
Instance Variable _arguments_manager The manager that will parse and register any options provided.
Instance Variable _level Undocumented
def within_dunder_def(node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: (source)

Check if dunder method call is within a dunder method definition.

def open(self): (source)

Called before visiting project (i.e. set of modules).

def visit_call(self, node: nodes.Call): (source)

Check if method being called is an unnecessary dunder method.

Name of the provider.

Options provided by this provider.

priority: int = (source)


_dunder_methods: dict[str, str] = (source)
