class documentation

Base class for classes that provide arguments.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_option_def DEPRECATED: Return the dictionary defining an option given its name.
Method level.setter Undocumented
Method load_defaults DEPRECATED: Initialize the provider using default values.
Method option_attrname DEPRECATED: Get the config attribute corresponding to opt.
Method option_value DEPRECATED: Get the current value for the given option.
Method options_and_values DEPRECATED.
Method options_by_section DEPRECATED: Return an iterator on options grouped by section.
Method set_option DEPRECATED: Method called to set an option (registered in the options list).
Class Variable name Name of the provider.
Class Variable option_groups_descs Option groups of this provider and their descriptions.
Class Variable options Options provided by this provider.
Property config Undocumented
Property level Undocumented
Instance Variable _arguments_manager The manager that will parse and register any options provided.
Instance Variable _level Undocumented
def __init__(self, arguments_manager: _ArgumentsManager): (source)
def get_option_def(self, opt: str) -> OptionDict: (source)

DEPRECATED: Return the dictionary defining an option given its name. :raises OptionError: If the option isn't found.

def level(self, value: int): (source)


def load_defaults(self): (source)

DEPRECATED: Initialize the provider using default values.

def option_attrname(self, opt: str, optdict: OptionDict|None = None) -> str: (source)

DEPRECATED: Get the config attribute corresponding to opt.

def option_value(self, opt: str) -> Any: (source)

DEPRECATED: Get the current value for the given option.

def options_and_values(self, options: Options|None = None) -> Iterator[tuple[str, OptionDict, Any]]: (source)


def options_by_section(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, OptionDict, Any]]]|tuple[None, dict[str, list[tuple[str, OptionDict, Any]]]]]: (source)

DEPRECATED: Return an iterator on options grouped by section. (section, [list of (optname, optdict, optvalue)])

def set_option(self, optname: Any, value: Any, action: Any = None, optdict: Any = None): (source)

DEPRECATED: Method called to set an option (registered in the options list).

option_groups_descs: dict[str, str] = (source)

Option groups of this provider and their descriptions.

Options provided by this provider.


_arguments_manager = (source)

The manager that will parse and register any options provided.
