package documentation

Everything related to the 'pylint-config' command. Everything in this module is private.

Module generate_command Everything related to the 'pylint-config generate' command.
Module help_message Everything related to the 'pylint-config -h' command and subcommands.
Module main Everything related to the 'pylint-config' command.
Module setup Everything related to the setup of the 'pylint-config' command.
Module utils Utils for the 'pylint-config' command.


Function _handle_pylint_config_commands Handle whichever command is passed to 'pylint-config'.
Function _register_generate_config_options Registers the necessary arguments on the parser.
def _handle_pylint_config_commands(linter: PyLinter) -> int: (source)

Handle whichever command is passed to 'pylint-config'.

def _register_generate_config_options(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): (source)

Registers the necessary arguments on the parser.