package documentation


Module argument Definition of an Argument class and transformers for various argument types.
Module arguments_manager Arguments manager class used to handle command-line arguments and options.
Module arguments_provider Arguments provider class used to expose options.
Module callback_actions Callback actions for various options.
Module config_file_parser Configuration file parser class.
Module config_initialization No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module configuration_mixin Undocumented
Module deprecation_actions Deprecated option actions.
Module environment_variable Undocumented
Module exceptions No module docstring; 2/2 exceptions documented
Module help_formatter No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module option No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/12 function documented
Module option_manager_mixin No module docstring; 1/2 function documented
Module option_parser Undocumented
Module options_provider_mixin No module docstring; 1/1 exception documented
Module utils Utils for arguments/options parsing and handling.
Package _pylint_config Everything related to the 'pylint-config' command.


Class ConfigurationMixIn Basic mixin for simple configurations which don't need the manager / providers model.
Class Option Undocumented
Class OptionParser No class docstring; 1/3 method documented
Class OptionsManagerMixIn Handle configuration from both a configuration file and command line options.
Class OptionsProviderMixIn Mixin to provide options to an OptionsManager.
Function find_default_config_files Find all possible config files.
Function find_pylintrc Search the pylint rc file and return its path if it finds it, else return None.
Function load_results Undocumented
Function save_results Undocumented
Constant PYLINTRC Undocumented
def find_default_config_files() -> Iterator[Path]: (source)

Find all possible config files.

PYLINTRC = (source)


def find_pylintrc() -> str|None: (source)

Search the pylint rc file and return its path if it finds it, else return None.

def load_results(base: str) -> LinterStats|None: (source)


def save_results(results: LinterStats, base: str): (source)
