module documentation


Function expand_modules Take a list of files/modules/packages and return the list of tuple (file, module name) which have to be actually checked.
Function get_python_path Undocumented
Function _is_ignored_file Undocumented
Function _is_in_ignore_list_re Determines if the element is matched in a regex ignore-list.
Function _modpath_from_file Undocumented
def expand_modules(files_or_modules: Sequence[str], source_roots: Sequence[str], ignore_list: list[str], ignore_list_re: list[Pattern[str]], ignore_list_paths_re: list[Pattern[str]]) -> tuple[dict[str, ModuleDescriptionDict], list[ErrorDescriptionDict]]: (source)

Take a list of files/modules/packages and return the list of tuple (file, module name) which have to be actually checked.

def get_python_path(filepath: str) -> str: (source)


def _is_ignored_file(element: str, ignore_list: list[str], ignore_list_re: list[Pattern[str]], ignore_list_paths_re: list[Pattern[str]]) -> bool: (source)


def _is_in_ignore_list_re(element: str, ignore_list_re: list[Pattern[str]]) -> bool: (source)

Determines if the element is matched in a regex ignore-list.

def _modpath_from_file(filename: str, is_namespace: bool, path: list[str]) -> list[str]: (source)
