module documentation


Function _merge_mapreduce_data Merges map/reduce data across workers, invoking relevant APIs on checkers.
Function _worker_check_single_file Undocumented
Function _worker_initialize Function called to initialize a worker for a Process within a concurrent Pool.
Variable _worker_linter Undocumented
def _merge_mapreduce_data(linter: PyLinter, all_mapreduce_data: defaultdict[int, list[defaultdict[str, list[Any]]]]): (source)

Merges map/reduce data across workers, invoking relevant APIs on checkers.

def _worker_check_single_file(file_item: FileItem) -> tuple[int, str|None, str, str|None, list[Message], LinterStats, int, defaultdict[str, list[Any]]]: (source)


def _worker_initialize(linter: bytes, extra_packages_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None): (source)

Function called to initialize a worker for a Process within a concurrent Pool. :param linter: A linter-class (PyLinter) instance pickled with dill :param extra_packages_paths: Extra entries to be added to sys.path

_worker_linter: PyLinter|None = (source)
