class documentation

Main class diagram handling.

Method __init__ Init filter modes.
Method add_object Create a diagram object.
Method add_relationship Create a relationship.
Method assign_association_relationship Undocumented
Method class_names Return class names if needed in diagram.
Method classe Return a class by its name, raise KeyError if not found.
Method classes Return all class nodes in the diagram.
Method extract_relationships Extract relationships between nodes in the diagram.
Method get_attrs Return visible attributes, possibly with class name.
Method get_methods Return visible methods.
Method get_relationship Return a relationship or None.
Method get_relationships Undocumented
Method has_node Return true if the given node is included in the diagram.
Method object_from_node Return the diagram object mapped to node.
Constant TYPE Undocumented
Instance Variable objects Undocumented
Instance Variable relationships Undocumented
Instance Variable title Undocumented
Instance Variable _nodes Undocumented

Inherited from Figure:

Instance Variable fig_id Undocumented

Inherited from FilterMixIn (via Figure):

Method show_attr Return true if the node should be treated.
Instance Variable __mode Undocumented
def __init__(self, title: str, mode: str): (source)

Init filter modes.

def add_object(self, title: str, node: nodes.ClassDef): (source)

Create a diagram object.

def add_relationship(self, from_object: DiagramEntity, to_object: DiagramEntity, relation_type: str, name: str|None = None): (source)

Create a relationship.

def assign_association_relationship(self, value: astroid.NodeNG, obj: ClassEntity, name: str, type_relationship: str): (source)


def class_names(self, nodes_lst: Iterable[nodes.NodeNG]) -> list[str]: (source)

Return class names if needed in diagram.

def classe(self, name: str) -> ClassEntity: (source)

Return a class by its name, raise KeyError if not found.

def classes(self) -> list[ClassEntity]: (source)

Return all class nodes in the diagram.

def extract_relationships(self): (source)

Extract relationships between nodes in the diagram.

def get_attrs(self, node: nodes.ClassDef) -> list[str]: (source)

Return visible attributes, possibly with class name.

def get_methods(self, node: nodes.ClassDef) -> list[nodes.FunctionDef]: (source)

Return visible methods.

def get_relationship(self, from_object: DiagramEntity, relation_type: str) -> Relationship: (source)

Return a relationship or None.

def get_relationships(self, role: str) -> Iterable[Relationship]: (source)


def has_node(self, node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: (source)

Return true if the given node is included in the diagram.

def object_from_node(self, node: nodes.NodeNG) -> DiagramEntity: (source)

Return the diagram object mapped to node.




