package documentation


Module diadefslib Handle diagram generation options for class diagram or default diagrams.
Module diagrams Diagram objects.
Module dot_printer Class to generate files in dot format and image formats supported by Graphviz.
Module inspector Visitor doing some post-processing on the astroid tree.
Module main Create UML diagrams for classes and modules in <packages>.
Module mermaidjs_printer Class to generate files in mermaidjs format.
Module plantuml_printer Class to generate files in dot format and image formats supported by Graphviz.
Module printer Base class defining the interface for a printer.
Module printer_factory Undocumented
Module utils Generic classes/functions for pyreverse core/extensions.
Module vcg_printer Functions to generate files readable with George Sander's vcg (Visualization of Compiler Graphs).
Module writer Utilities for creating VCG and Dot diagrams.


Variable __revision__ Undocumented
__revision__: str = (source)
