class documentation

Base class for ureport writers.

Method begin_format Begin to format a layout.
Method compute_content Trick to compute the formatting of children layout before actually writing it.
Method end_format Finished formatting a layout.
Method format Format and write the given layout into the stream object.
Method format_children Recurse on the layout children and call their accept method (see the Visitor pattern).
Method get_table_content Trick to get table content without actually writing it.
Method write Write a string in the output buffer.
Method writeln Write a line in the output buffer.
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable out Undocumented
Instance Variable section Undocumented
def begin_format(self): (source)

Begin to format a layout.

def compute_content(self, layout: BaseLayout) -> Iterator[str]: (source)

Trick to compute the formatting of children layout before actually writing it. return an iterator on strings (one for each child element)

def end_format(self): (source)

Finished formatting a layout.

def format(self, layout: BaseLayout, stream: TextIO = sys.stdout, encoding: str|None = None): (source)

Format and write the given layout into the stream object. unicode policy: unicode strings may be found in the layout; try to call 'stream.write' with it, but give it back encoded using the given encoding if it fails

def format_children(self, layout: (EvaluationSection|Paragraph)|Section): (source)

Recurse on the layout children and call their accept method (see the Visitor pattern).

def get_table_content(self, table: Table) -> list[list[str]]: (source)

Trick to get table content without actually writing it. return an aligned list of lists containing table cells values as string

def write(self, string: str): (source)

Write a string in the output buffer.

def writeln(self, string: str = ''): (source)

Write a line in the output buffer.

encoding = (source)


