package documentation

Utilities methods and classes for reporters.

Module base_reporter Undocumented
Module collecting_reporter Undocumented
Module json_reporter JSON reporter.
Module multi_reporter Undocumented
Module reports_handler_mix_in Undocumented
Module text Plain text reporters:.
Package ureports No package docstring; 1/1 class, 3/3 modules documented


Class BaseReporter Base class for reporters.
Class CollectingReporter Collects messages.
Class JSONReporter TODO: 3.0: Remove this JSONReporter in favor of the new one handling abs-path and confidence.
Class MultiReporter Reports messages and layouts in plain text.
Class ReportsHandlerMixIn A mix-in class containing all the reports and stats manipulation related methods for the main lint class.
Function initialize Initialize linter with reporters in this package.
def initialize(linter: PyLinter): (source)

Initialize linter with reporters in this package.