class documentation

class ProgramGraph(object): (source)

View In Hierarchy

A ProgramGraph represents a Python program or function.

Method __init__ Constructs an empty ProgramGraph with no root.
Method add_edge Adds an edge between two nodes in the graph.
Method add_new_edge Adds a new edge between two nodes in the graph.
Method add_node Adds a ProgramGraphNode to this graph.
Method add_node_from_instruction Adds a node to the program graph.
Method all_nodes Undocumented
Method children Yields the (direct) AST children of an AST program graph node.
Method contains_ast_node Undocumented
Method copy_subgraph Returns a new program graph containing only the subtree rooted at NODE.
Method copy_with_placeholder Returns a new program graph in which the subtree of NODE is removed.
Method dump_tree Returns a string representation for debugging.
Method get_ast_nodes_of_type Undocumented
Method get_node Returns the node in the program graph corresponding to an object.
Method get_node_by_access Gets a ProgramGraph node for the given read or write.
Method get_node_by_ast_node Undocumented
Method get_node_by_function_name Undocumented
Method get_node_by_id Gets a ProgramGraph node for the given integer id.
Method get_node_by_source Undocumented
Method get_node_by_source_and_identifier Undocumented
Method get_nodes_by_function_name Undocumented
Method get_nodes_by_source Generates the nodes in the program graph containing the query source.
Method get_nodes_by_source_and_identifier Undocumented
Method incoming_neighbors Returns the incoming neighbors of a program graph node.
Method neighbors Returns the incoming and outgoing neighbors of a program graph node.
Method outgoing_neighbors Returns the outgoing neighbors of a program graph node.
Method parent Returns the AST parent of an AST program graph node.
Method reconstruct_ast Reconstruct all internal ProgramGraphNode.ast_node references.
Method remove_edge Removes an edge from the graph.
Method to_ast Convert the program graph to a Python AST.
Method walk_ast_descendants Yields the nodes that correspond to the descendants of node in the AST.
Instance Variable ast_id_to_program_graph_node Maps from an AST node's object id to the corresponding AST program graph node, if it exists.
Instance Variable child_map Maps from node id to a list of that node's AST children node ids.
Instance Variable edges A list of the edges (,, edge type) in the graph.
Instance Variable neighbors_map Maps from node id to a list of that node's neighboring edges.
Instance Variable nodes Maps from node id to the ProgramGraphNode with that id.
Instance Variable parent_map Maps from node id to that node's AST parent node id.
Instance Variable root_id The id of the root ProgramGraphNode.
Property root Undocumented
Method _build_ast Helper method: builds an AST and optionally sets ast_node references.
def __init__(self): (source)

Constructs an empty ProgramGraph with no root.

def add_edge(self, edge): (source)

Adds an edge between two nodes in the graph.

edgeThe edge, a pb.Edge proto.
def add_new_edge(self, n1, n2, edge_type=None, field_name=None): (source)

Adds a new edge between two nodes in the graph.

Both nodes must already be part of the graph.

n1Specifies the from node of the edge. Can be any object type accepted by get_node.
n2Specifies the to node of the edge. Can be any object type accepted by get_node.
edge_typeThe type of edge. Can be any integer in the pb.Edge enum.
field_nameFor AST edges, a string describing the Python AST field
The new edge.
def add_node(self, node): (source)

Adds a ProgramGraphNode to this graph.

nodeThe ProgramGraphNode that should be added.
The node that was added.
ValueErrorthe node has already been added to this graph.
def add_node_from_instruction(self, instruction): (source)

Adds a node to the program graph.

def all_nodes(self): (source)


def children(self, node): (source)

Yields the (direct) AST children of an AST program graph node.

nodeA ProgramGraphNode.
The AST children of node, which are ProgramGraphNode objects.
def contains_ast_node(self, ast_node): (source)


def copy_subgraph(self, node): (source)

Returns a new program graph containing only the subtree rooted at NODE.

All edges that connect nodes in the subtree are included, both AST edges and other types of edges.

nodeA node in this program graph
A new ProgramGraph object whose root is NODE
def copy_with_placeholder(self, node): (source)

Returns a new program graph in which the subtree of NODE is removed.

In the new graph, the subtree headed by NODE is replaced by a single node of type PLACEHOLDER, which is connected to the AST parent of NODE by the same edge type as in the original graph.

The new program graph will share structure (i.e. the ProgramGraphNode objects) with the original graph.

nodeA node in this program graph
A new ProgramGraph object with NODE replaced
def dump_tree(self, start_node=None): (source)

Returns a string representation for debugging.

def get_ast_nodes_of_type(self, ast_type): (source)


def get_node(self, obj): (source)

Returns the node in the program graph corresponding to an object.

objCan be an integer, AST node, ProgramGraphNode, or program graph node protobuf.
ValueErrorno node exists in the program graph matching obj.
def get_node_by_access(self, access): (source)

Gets a ProgramGraph node for the given read or write.

def get_node_by_ast_node(self, ast_node): (source)


def get_node_by_function_name(self, name): (source)


def get_node_by_id(self, obj): (source)

Gets a ProgramGraph node for the given integer id.

def get_node_by_source(self, node): (source)


def get_node_by_source_and_identifier(self, source, name): (source)


def get_nodes_by_function_name(self, name): (source)


def get_nodes_by_source(self, source): (source)

Generates the nodes in the program graph containing the query source.

sourceThe query source.
A generator of all nodes in the program graph with an Instruction with source that includes the query source.
def get_nodes_by_source_and_identifier(self, source, name): (source)


def incoming_neighbors(self, node, edge_type=None): (source)

Returns the incoming neighbors of a program graph node.

nodeA ProgramGraphNode.
edge_typeIf provided, only edges of this type are considered.
The incoming neighbors of node, which are ProgramGraphNode objects but not necessarily AST nodes.
def neighbors(self, node, edge_type=None): (source)

Returns the incoming and outgoing neighbors of a program graph node.

nodeA ProgramGraphNode.
edge_typeIf provided, only edges of this type are considered.
The incoming and outgoing neighbors of node, which are ProgramGraphNode objects but not necessarily AST nodes.
def outgoing_neighbors(self, node, edge_type=None): (source)

Returns the outgoing neighbors of a program graph node.

nodeA ProgramGraphNode.
edge_typeIf provided, only edges of this type are considered.
The outgoing neighbors of node, which are ProgramGraphNode objects but not necessarily AST nodes.
def parent(self, node): (source)

Returns the AST parent of an AST program graph node.

nodeA ProgramGraphNode.
The node's AST parent, which is also a ProgramGraphNode.
def reconstruct_ast(self): (source)

Reconstruct all internal ProgramGraphNode.ast_node references.

After calling this method, all nodes of type AST_NODE will have their ast_node property refer to subtrees of a reconstructed AST object, and self.ast_id_to_program_graph_node will contain only entries from this new AST.

Note that only AST nodes reachable by fields from the root node will be converted; this should be all of them but this is not checked.

def remove_edge(self, edge): (source)

Removes an edge from the graph.

If there are multiple copies of the same edge, only one copy is removed.

edgeThe edge, a pb.Edge proto.
def to_ast(self, node=None): (source)

Convert the program graph to a Python AST.

def walk_ast_descendants(self, node=None): (source)

Yields the nodes that correspond to the descendants of node in the AST.

nodethe node in the program graph corresponding to the root of the AST subtree that should be walked. If None, defaults to the root of the program graph.
All nodes corresponding to descendants of node in the AST.
ast_id_to_program_graph_node: dict = (source)

Maps from an AST node's object id to the corresponding AST program graph node, if it exists.

child_map = (source)

Maps from node id to a list of that node's AST children node ids.

A list of the edges (,, edge type) in the graph.

neighbors_map = (source)

Maps from node id to a list of that node's neighboring edges.

Maps from node id to the ProgramGraphNode with that id.

parent_map = (source)

Maps from node id to that node's AST parent node id.

The id of the root ProgramGraphNode.


def _build_ast(self, node, update_references): (source)

Helper method: builds an AST and optionally sets ast_node references.

nodeProgram graph node to build an AST for.
update_referencesWhether to modify this node and all of its children so that they point to the reconstructed AST node.
AST node corresponding to the program graph node.