class documentation

Abstract class showing to the minimal implementation for a plugin All subclass MUST at least implement the following methods

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method delete delete NmapReport if the backend :param id: str
Method get retrieve a NmapReport from the backend :param id: str :return: NmapReport
Method getall :return: collection of tuple (id,NmapReport) :param filter: Nice to have implement a filter capability
Method insert insert NmapReport in the backend :param NmapReport: :return: str the ident of the object in the backend for future usage or None
Instance Variable dbname Undocumented
Instance Variable store Undocumented
def get(self, id): (source)
def getall(self, filter): (source)

:return: collection of tuple (id,NmapReport) :param filter: Nice to have implement a filter capability

def insert(self, NmapReport): (source)

insert NmapReport in the backend :param NmapReport: :return: str the ident of the object in the backend for future usage or None