class documentation

This plugin save the reports on S3 and compatible.

Method __init__ - create the conn object - create the bucket (if it doesn't exist) - if not given, awsaccessKey_nmapreport - may raise exception (ie in case of conflict bucket name) - sample : To connect to walrus: from libnmap...
Method delete delete an obj from the backend
Method get select a NmapReport by Id.
Method getall :rtype: List of tuple :return: list of key/report :todo: add a filter capability
Method insert create a json string from an NmapReport instance and push it to S3 bucket.
Instance Variable bucket Undocumented
Instance Variable bucket_name Undocumented
Instance Variable conn Undocumented

Inherited from NmapBackendPlugin:

Instance Variable dbname Undocumented
Instance Variable store Undocumented
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source)

- create the conn object - create the bucket (if it doesn't exist) - if not given, awsaccessKey_nmapreport - may raise exception (ie in case of conflict bucket name) - sample : To connect to walrus: from libnmap.plugins.backendpluginFactory import BackendPluginFactory walrusBackend = BackendPluginFactory.create( plugin_name='s3', host="", path="/services/Walrus",port=8773, is_secure=False, aws_access_key_id='UU72FLVJCAYRATLXI70YH', aws_secret_access_key= 'wFg7gP5YFHjVlxakw1g1uCC8UR2xVW5ax9ErZCut') To connect to S3: mybackend_S3 = BackendPluginFactory.create( plugin_name='s3', is_secure=True, aws_access_key_id='MYACCESSKEY', aws_secret_access_key='MYSECRET')

def delete(self, report_id=None): (source)

delete an obj from the backend :param str: id :return: dict document with result or None

def get(self, str_report_id=None): (source)

select a NmapReport by Id. :param str: id :rtype: NmapReport :return: NmapReport object

def getall(self, dict_filter=None): (source)

:rtype: List of tuple :return: list of key/report :todo: add a filter capability

def insert(self, report): (source)

create a json string from an NmapReport instance and push it to S3 bucket. :param NmapReport: obj to insert :rtype: string :return: str id :todo: Add tagging option


bucket_name = (source)

