class documentation

Representation of Python 'tuple' objects.

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Initialize a SimpleValue.
Method get_fullhash Undocumented
Method str_of_constant Get a string representation of this constant.
Instance Variable is_unpacked_function_args Undocumented
Instance Variable tuple_length Undocumented
Method _is_recursive True if the tuple contains itself.
Method _unique_parameters Get unique parameter subtypes as variables.
Instance Variable _hash Undocumented

Inherited from Instance:

Instance Variable cls Undocumented
Property full_name Undocumented
Property instance_type_parameters Undocumented
Method _load_instance_type_parameters Undocumented
Instance Variable _container Undocumented
Instance Variable _instance_type_parameters Undocumented
Instance Variable _instance_type_parameters_loaded Undocumented

Inherited from SimpleValue (via Instance):

Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method argcount Returns the minimum number of arguments needed for a call.
Method call Call this abstract value with the given arguments.
Method cls.setter Undocumented
Method get_instance_type_parameter Get a cfg.Variable of the instance's values for the type parameter.
Method get_type_key Build a key from the information used to perform type matching.
Method has_instance_type_parameter Check if the key is in `instance_type_parameters`.
Method instantiate Create an instance of self.
Method maybe_missing_members.setter Undocumented
Method merge_instance_type_parameter Set the value of a type parameter.
Method set_class Set the __class__ of an instance, for code that does "x.__class__ = y.
Method update_caches Undocumented
Instance Variable members Undocumented
Property maybe_missing_members Undocumented
Method _call_helper Undocumented
Method _get_changestamps Undocumented
Method _get_class Undocumented
Instance Variable _cached_changestamps Undocumented
Instance Variable _cls Undocumented
Instance Variable _fullhash Undocumented
Instance Variable _maybe_missing_members Undocumented
Instance Variable _type_key Undocumented

Inherited from BaseValue (via Instance, SimpleValue):

Method compute_mro Undocumented
Method default_mro Undocumented
Method get_default_fullhash Undocumented
Method get_default_type_key Gets a default type key. See get_type_key.
Method get_formal_type_parameter Get the class's type for the type parameter.
Method get_instance_type Get the type an instance of us would have.
Method get_own_new Get this value's __new__ method, if it isn't object.__new__.
Method get_special_attribute Fetch a special attribute (e.g., __get__, __iter__).
Method has_kwargs Return True if this is a function and has a **kwargs parameter.
Method has_varargs Return True if this is a function and has a *args parameter.
Method init_subclass Allow metaprogramming via __init_subclass__.
Method is_late_annotation Undocumented
Method module.setter Undocumented
Method official_name.setter Undocumented
Method property_get Bind this value to the given self or cls.
Method register_instance Treating self as a class definition, register an instance of it.
Method should_replace_self_annot Undocumented
Method to_annotation_container Undocumented
Method to_binding Undocumented
Method to_pytd_def Get a PyTD definition for this object.
Method to_type Get a PyTD type representing this object, as seen at a node.
Method to_variable Build a variable out of this abstract value.
Method unique_parameter_values Get unique parameter subtypes as bindings.
Method update_official_name Update the official name.
Class Variable formal Undocumented
Instance Variable final Undocumented
Instance Variable from_annotation Undocumented
Instance Variable is_concrete Undocumented
Instance Variable is_decorated Undocumented
Instance Variable mro Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable slots Undocumented
Property all_template_names Undocumented
Property module Undocumented
Property official_name Undocumented
Property template Undocumented
Instance Variable _all_template_names Undocumented
Instance Variable _instance Undocumented
Instance Variable _module Undocumented
Instance Variable _official_name Undocumented
Instance Variable _template Undocumented

Inherited from ContextWeakrefMixin (via Instance, SimpleValue, BaseValue):

Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable ctx_weakref Undocumented
Property ctx Undocumented

Inherited from PythonConstant (via Instance, SimpleValue, BaseValue, ContextWeakrefMixin):

Method init_mixin Mix-in equivalent of __init__.
Class Variable overloads Undocumented
Instance Variable pyval Undocumented
Instance Variable _printing Undocumented
def __eq__(self, other): (source)


def __hash__(self): (source)


def __init__(self, content, ctx): (source)

Initialize a SimpleValue. Args: name: Name of this value. For debugging and error reporting. ctx: The abstract context.

def get_fullhash(self, seen=None): (source)
def str_of_constant(self, printer): (source)

Get a string representation of this constant. Args: printer: A BaseValue -> str function that will be used to print abstract values. Returns: A string of self.pyval.

is_unpacked_function_args: bool = (source)


tuple_length = (source)


def _is_recursive(self): (source)

True if the tuple contains itself.

def _unique_parameters(self): (source)

Get unique parameter subtypes as variables. This will retrieve 'children' of this value that contribute to the type of it. So it will retrieve type parameters, but not attributes. To keep the number of possible combinations reasonable, when we encounter multiple instances of the same type, we include only one. Returns: A list of variables.
