class documentation

A mix-in for storing actual Python constants, not just their types. This is used for things that are stored in cfg.Variable, but where we may need the actual data in order to proceed later. E.g. function / class definitions, tuples. Also, potentially: Small integers, strings (E.g. "w", "r" etc.).

Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method init_mixin Mix-in equivalent of __init__.
Method str_of_constant Get a string representation of this constant.
Class Variable overloads Undocumented
Instance Variable is_concrete Undocumented
Instance Variable pyval Undocumented
Instance Variable _printing Undocumented
def init_mixin(self, pyval): (source)

Mix-in equivalent of __init__.

def str_of_constant(self, printer): (source)

Get a string representation of this constant. Args: printer: A BaseValue -> str function that will be used to print abstract values. Returns: A string of self.pyval.

overloads: tuple[str, ...] = (source)



_printing: bool = (source)
