class documentation

Mix-in for overriding slots with custom methods. This makes it easier to emulate built-in classes like dict which need special handling of some magic methods (__setitem__ etc.)

Method call_pytd Call the (original) pytd version of a method we overwrote.
Method get_special_attribute Undocumented
Method init_mixin Undocumented
Method set_native_slot Add a new NativeFunction slot to this value.
Method set_slot Add a new slot to this value.
Class Variable overloads Undocumented
Instance Variable _slots Undocumented
Instance Variable _super Undocumented
def call_pytd(self, node, name, *args): (source)

Call the (original) pytd version of a method we overwrote.

def init_mixin(self): (source)


def set_native_slot(self, name, method): (source)

Add a new NativeFunction slot to this value.

def set_slot(self, name, slot): (source)

Add a new slot to this value.

overloads: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


