package documentation


Module default_settings This module contains the default values for all settings used by Scrapy.


Class BaseSettings Instances of this class behave like dictionaries, but store priorities along with their ``(key, value)`` pairs, and can be frozen (i.e. marked immutable).
Class Settings This object stores Scrapy settings for the configuration of internal components, and can be used for any further customization.
Class SettingsAttribute Class for storing data related to settings attributes.
Function get_settings_priority Small helper function that looks up a given string priority in the :attr:`~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES` dictionary and returns its numerical value, or directly returns a given numerical priority.
Function iter_default_settings Return the default settings as an iterator of (name, value) tuples
Function overridden_settings Return a dict of the settings that have been overridden
Constant SETTINGS_PRIORITIES Undocumented
SETTINGS_PRIORITIES: dict[str, int] = (source)


{'default': 0, 'command': 10, 'project': 20, 'spider': 30, 'cmdline': 40}
def get_settings_priority(priority): (source)

Small helper function that looks up a given string priority in the :attr:`~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES` dictionary and returns its numerical value, or directly returns a given numerical priority.

def iter_default_settings(): (source)

Return the default settings as an iterator of (name, value) tuples

def overridden_settings(settings): (source)

Return a dict of the settings that have been overridden