class documentation

Represents an HTTP request, which is usually generated in a Spider and executed by the Downloader, thus generating a :class:`Response`.

Class Method from_curl Create a Request object from a string containing a `cURL <>`_ command. It populates the HTTP method, the URL, the headers, the cookies and the body. It accepts the same arguments as the :class:`Request` class, taking preference and overriding the values of the same arguments contained in the cURL command.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method copy Undocumented
Method replace Create a new Request with the same attributes except for those given new values
Method to_dict Return a dictionary containing the Request's data.
Class Variable attributes A tuple of :class:`str` objects containing the name of all public attributes of the class that are also keyword parameters of the ``__init__`` method.
Class Variable body Undocumented
Class Variable url Undocumented
Instance Variable callback Undocumented
Instance Variable cookies Undocumented
Instance Variable dont_filter Undocumented
Instance Variable errback Undocumented
Instance Variable flags Undocumented
Instance Variable headers Undocumented
Instance Variable method Undocumented
Instance Variable priority Undocumented
Property cb_kwargs Undocumented
Property encoding Undocumented
Property meta Undocumented
Method _get_body Undocumented
Method _get_url Undocumented
Method _set_body Undocumented
Method _set_url Undocumented
Instance Variable _body Undocumented
Instance Variable _cb_kwargs Undocumented
Instance Variable _encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable _meta Undocumented
Instance Variable _url Undocumented

Inherited from object_ref:

Method __new__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
def from_curl(cls: Type[RequestTypeVar], curl_command: str, ignore_unknown_options: bool = True, **kwargs) -> RequestTypeVar: (source)

Create a Request object from a string containing a `cURL <>`_ command. It populates the HTTP method, the URL, the headers, the cookies and the body. It accepts the same arguments as the :class:`Request` class, taking preference and overriding the values of the same arguments contained in the cURL command. Unrecognized options are ignored by default. To raise an error when finding unknown options call this method by passing ``ignore_unknown_options=False``. .. caution:: Using :meth:`from_curl` from :class:`~scrapy.http.Request` subclasses, such as :class:`~scrapy.http.JSONRequest`, or :class:`~scrapy.http.XmlRpcRequest`, as well as having :ref:`downloader middlewares <topics-downloader-middleware>` and :ref:`spider middlewares <topics-spider-middleware>` enabled, such as :class:`~scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.defaultheaders.DefaultHeadersMiddleware`, :class:`~scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware`, or :class:`~scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.httpcompression.HttpCompressionMiddleware`, may modify the :class:`~scrapy.http.Request` object. To translate a cURL command into a Scrapy request, you may use `curl2scrapy <>`_.

def __init__(self, url: str, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, method: str = 'GET', headers: Optional[dict] = None, body: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None, cookies: Optional[Union[dict, List[dict]]] = None, meta: Optional[dict] = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', priority: int = 0, dont_filter: bool = False, errback: Optional[Callable] = None, flags: Optional[List[str]] = None, cb_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None): (source)
def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


def copy(self) -> Request: (source)


def replace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Request: (source)

Create a new Request with the same attributes except for those given new values

def to_dict(self, *, spider: Optional[scrapy.Spider] = None) -> dict: (source)

Return a dictionary containing the Request's data. Use :func:`~scrapy.utils.request.request_from_dict` to convert back into a :class:`~scrapy.Request` object. If a spider is given, this method will try to find out the name of the spider methods used as callback and errback and include them in the output dict, raising an exception if they cannot be found.

attributes: Tuple[str, ...] = (source)

A tuple of :class:`str` objects containing the name of all public attributes of the class that are also keyword parameters of the ``__init__`` method. Currently used by :meth:`Request.replace`, :meth:`Request.to_dict` and :func:`~scrapy.utils.request.request_from_dict`.



callback = (source)



dont_filter = (source)






priority = (source)





def _get_body(self) -> bytes: (source)


def _get_url(self) -> str: (source)


def _set_body(self, body: Optional[Union[str, bytes]]): (source)


def _set_url(self, url: str): (source)



_cb_kwargs = (source)


_encoding = (source)


