class documentation

class ResourceHandle(Traversable): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Handle to a named resource in a ResourceReader.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method is_dir Return True if self is a directory
Method is_file Return True if self is a file
Method joinpath Return Traversable resolved with any descendants applied.
Method open mode may be 'r' or 'rb' to open as text or binary. Return a handle suitable for reading (same as
Instance Variable name The base name of this object without any parent references.
Instance Variable parent Undocumented

Inherited from Traversable:

Method __truediv__ Return Traversable child in self
Method iterdir Yield Traversable objects in self
Method read_bytes Read contents of self as bytes
Method read_text Read contents of self as text
def __init__(self, parent: ResourceContainer, name: str): (source)


def is_dir(self): (source)

Return True if self is a directory

def is_file(self): (source)

Return True if self is a file

def joinpath(self, name): (source)

Return Traversable resolved with any descendants applied. Each descendant should be a path segment relative to self and each may contain multiple levels separated by ``posixpath.sep`` (``/``).

def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): (source)

mode may be 'r' or 'rb' to open as text or binary. Return a handle suitable for reading (same as When opening as text, accepts encoding parameters such as those accepted by io.TextIOWrapper.

The base name of this object without any parent references.
