class documentation

Enhanced 'build_py' command that includes data files with packages The data files are specified via a 'package_data' argument to 'setup()'. See 'setuptools.dist.Distribution' for more details. Also, this version of the 'build_py' command allows you to specify both 'py_modules' and 'packages' in the same setup operation.

Method __getattr__ lazily compute data files
Method analyze_manifest Undocumented
Method build_module Undocumented
Method build_package_data Copy data files into build directory
Method check_package Check namespace packages' __init__ for declare_namespace
Method copy_file Undocumented
Method exclude_data_files Filter filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'
Method finalize_options Undocumented
Method find_data_files Return filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'
Method get_data_files Undocumented
Method get_data_files_without_manifest Generate list of ``(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)`` tuples, but without triggering any attempt to analyze or build the manifest.
Method get_output_mapping See :class:``
Method get_outputs See :class:``
Method get_package_dir Undocumented
Method initialize_options Undocumented
Method run Build modules, packages, and copy data files to build directory
Instance Variable data_files Undocumented
Instance Variable editable_mode Undocumented
Instance Variable exclude_package_data Undocumented
Instance Variable existing_egg_info_dir Undocumented
Instance Variable manifest_files Undocumented
Instance Variable package_data Undocumented
Instance Variable packages_checked Undocumented
Static Method _get_platform_patterns yield platform-specific path patterns (suitable for glob or fn_match) from a glob-based spec (such as self.package_data or self.exclude_package_data) matching package in src_dir.
Method _filter_build_files ``build_meta`` may try to create egg_info outside of the project directory, and this can be problematic for certain plugins (reported in issue #3500).
Method _get_data_files Generate list of '(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)' tuples
Method _get_module_mapping Iterate over all modules producing (dest, src) pairs.
Method _get_package_data_output_mapping Iterate over package data producing (dest, src) pairs.
Method _get_pkg_data_files Undocumented
Instance Variable __updated_files Undocumented
def __getattr__(self, attr): (source)

lazily compute data files

def analyze_manifest(self): (source)


def build_module(self, module, module_file, package): (source)


def build_package_data(self): (source)

Copy data files into build directory

def check_package(self, package, package_dir): (source)

Check namespace packages' __init__ for declare_namespace

def copy_file(self, infile, outfile, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, link=None, level=1): (source)


def exclude_data_files(self, package, src_dir, files): (source)

Filter filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'

def finalize_options(self): (source)


def find_data_files(self, package, src_dir): (source)

Return filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'

def get_data_files(self): (source)


def get_data_files_without_manifest(self): (source)

Generate list of ``(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)`` tuples, but without triggering any attempt to analyze or build the manifest.

def get_output_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: (source)

See :class:``

def get_outputs(self, include_bytecode=1) -> List[str]: (source)

See :class:``

def get_package_dir(self, package): (source)


def initialize_options(self): (source)


def run(self): (source)

Build modules, packages, and copy data files to build directory

data_files = (source)


editable_mode: bool = (source)


exclude_package_data = (source)


existing_egg_info_dir = (source)


manifest_files: dict = (source)


package_data = (source)


packages_checked: dict = (source)


def _get_platform_patterns(spec, package, src_dir): (source)

yield platform-specific path patterns (suitable for glob or fn_match) from a glob-based spec (such as self.package_data or self.exclude_package_data) matching package in src_dir.

def _filter_build_files(self, files: Iterable[str], egg_info: str) -> Iterator[str]: (source)

``build_meta`` may try to create egg_info outside of the project directory, and this can be problematic for certain plugins (reported in issue #3500). Extensions might also include between their sources files created on the ``build_lib`` and ``build_temp`` directories. This function should filter this case of invalid files out.

def _get_data_files(self): (source)

Generate list of '(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)' tuples

def _get_module_mapping(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: (source)

Iterate over all modules producing (dest, src) pairs.

def _get_package_data_output_mapping(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: (source)

Iterate over package data producing (dest, src) pairs.

def _get_pkg_data_files(self, package): (source)


__updated_files: list = (source)
