module documentation


Class option_base Abstract base class for commands that mess with config files
Class setopt Save command-line options to a file
Function config_file Get the filename of the distutils, local, global, or per-user config
Function edit_config Edit a configuration file to include `settings`
def config_file(kind='local'): (source)

Get the filename of the distutils, local, global, or per-user config `kind` must be one of "local", "global", or "user"

def edit_config(filename, settings, dry_run=False): (source)

Edit a configuration file to include `settings` `settings` is a dictionary of dictionaries or ``None`` values, keyed by command/section name. A ``None`` value means to delete the entire section, while a dictionary lists settings to be changed or deleted in that section. A setting of ``None`` means to delete that setting.