class documentation

class Require: (source)

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A prerequisite to building or installing a distribution

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method full_name Return full package/distribution name, w/version
Method get_version Get version number of installed module, 'None', or 'default'
Method is_current Return true if dependency is present and up-to-date on 'paths'
Method is_present Return true if dependency is present on 'paths'
Method version_ok Is 'version' sufficiently up-to-date?
def __init__(self, name, requested_version, module, homepage='', attribute=None, format=None): (source)


def full_name(self): (source)

Return full package/distribution name, w/version

def get_version(self, paths=None, default='unknown'): (source)

Get version number of installed module, 'None', or 'default' Search 'paths' for module. If not found, return 'None'. If found, return the extracted version attribute, or 'default' if no version attribute was specified, or the value cannot be determined without importing the module. The version is formatted according to the requirement's version format (if any), unless it is 'None' or the supplied 'default'.

def is_current(self, paths=None): (source)

Return true if dependency is present and up-to-date on 'paths'

def is_present(self, paths=None): (source)

Return true if dependency is present on 'paths'

def version_ok(self, version): (source)

Is 'version' sufficiently up-to-date?