class documentation

Generate a list of all Python packages found within a directory

Constant ALWAYS_EXCLUDE Undocumented
Class Method _find_iter All the packages found in 'where' that pass the 'include' filter, but not the 'exclude' filter.
Static Method _looks_like_package Does a directory look like a package?

Inherited from _Finder:

Class Method find Return a list of all Python items (packages or modules, depending on the finder implementation) found within directory 'where'.
Constant DEFAULT_EXCLUDE Undocumented
ALWAYS_EXCLUDE: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


('ez_setup', '*__pycache__')
def _find_iter(cls, where: _Path, exclude: _Filter, include: _Filter) -> StrIter: (source)

All the packages found in 'where' that pass the 'include' filter, but not the 'exclude' filter.

def _looks_like_package(path: _Path, _package_name: str) -> bool: (source)

Does a directory look like a package?