class documentation

class TestNamespaces: (source)

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Static Method install_develop Undocumented
Method test_namespace_package_importable Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed naturally using pip or `--single-version-externally-managed` and the other installed using `develop` should leave the namespace in tact and both packages reachable by import.
def install_develop(src_dir, target): (source)


@pytest.mark.skipif(bool(os.environ.get('APPVEYOR')), reason='')
@pytest.mark.skipif((platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'), reason='')
def test_namespace_package_importable(self, tmpdir): (source)

Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed naturally using pip or `--single-version-externally-managed` and the other installed using `develop` should leave the namespace in tact and both packages reachable by import.