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class TestNamespaces: (source)

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Method test_mixed_site_and_non_site Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed to a site dir and the other installed just to a path on PYTHONPATH should leave the namespace in tact and both packages reachable by import.
Method test_namespace_package_installed_and_cwd Installing a namespace packages but also having it in the current working directory, only one version should take precedence.
Method test_packages_in_the_same_namespace_installed_and_cwd Installing one namespace package and also have another in the same namespace in the current working directory, both of them must be importable.
Method test_pkg_resources_import Ensure that a namespace package doesn't break on import of pkg_resources.
@pytest.mark.skipif((sys.version_info < (3, 5)), reason='Requires importlib.util.module_from_spec')
def test_mixed_site_and_non_site(self, tmpdir): (source)

Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed to a site dir and the other installed just to a path on PYTHONPATH should leave the namespace in tact and both packages reachable by import.

def test_namespace_package_installed_and_cwd(self, tmpdir): (source)

Installing a namespace packages but also having it in the current working directory, only one version should take precedence.

def test_packages_in_the_same_namespace_installed_and_cwd(self, tmpdir): (source)

Installing one namespace package and also have another in the same namespace in the current working directory, both of them must be importable.

def test_pkg_resources_import(self, tmpdir): (source)

Ensure that a namespace package doesn't break on import of pkg_resources.