module documentation


Function data Bulk data access to Shodan
Function data_download Undocumented
Function data_list List available datasets or the files within those datasets.
def data(): (source)

Bulk data access to Shodan

@click.option('--chunksize', help='The size of the chunks that are downloaded into memory before writing them to disk.', default=1024, type=int)
@click.option('--filename', '-O', help='Save the file as the provided filename instead of the default.')
@click.argument('dataset', metavar='<dataset>')
@click.argument('name', metavar='<file>')
def data_download(chunksize, filename, dataset, name): (source)


@click.option('--dataset', help='See the available files in the given dataset', default=None, type=str)
def data_list(dataset): (source)

List available datasets or the files within those datasets.