module documentation


Function scan Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan.
Function scan_internet Scan the Internet for a specific port and protocol using the Shodan infrastructure.
Function scan_list Show recently launched scans
Function scan_protocols List the protocols that you can scan with using Shodan.
Function scan_status Check the status of an on-demand scan.
Function scan_submit Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan.
def scan(): (source)

Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan.

@click.option('--quiet', help='Disable the printing of information to the screen.', default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.argument('port', type=int)
@click.argument('protocol', type=str)
def scan_internet(quiet, port, protocol): (source)

Scan the Internet for a specific port and protocol using the Shodan infrastructure.

def scan_list(): (source)

Show recently launched scans

def scan_protocols(): (source)

List the protocols that you can scan with using Shodan.

@click.argument('scan_id', type=str)
def scan_status(scan_id): (source)

Check the status of an on-demand scan.

@click.option('--wait', help='How long to wait for results to come back. If this is set to "0" or below return immediately.', default=20, type=int)
@click.option('--filename', help='Save the results in the given file.', default='', type=str)
@click.option('--force', default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.option('--verbose', default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.argument('netblocks', metavar='<ip address>', nargs=-1)
def scan_submit(wait, filename, force, verbose, netblocks): (source)

Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan.