package documentation

Support for domains. Domains are groupings of description directives and roles describing e.g. constructs of one programming language.

Module c The C language domain.
Module changeset The changeset domain.
Module citation The citation domain.
Module cpp The C++ language domain.
Module index The index domain.
Module javascript The JavaScript domain.
Module math The math domain.
Module python The Python domain.
Module rst The reStructuredText domain.
Module std The standard domain.


Class Domain A Domain is meant to be a group of "object" description directives for objects of a similar nature, and corresponding roles to create references to them. Examples would be Python modules, classes, functions etc...
Class Index An Index is the description for a domain-specific index. To add an index to a domain, subclass Index, overriding the three name attributes:
Class IndexEntry Undocumented
Class ObjType An ObjType is the description for a type of object that a domain can document. In the object_types attribute of Domain subclasses, object type names are mapped to instances of this class.
Type Alias TitleGetter Undocumented
TitleGetter = (source)


Callable[[Node], Optional[str]]