package documentation

Docutils transforms used by Sphinx when reading documents.

Module compact_bullet_list Docutils transforms used by Sphinx when reading documents.
Module i18n Docutils transforms used by Sphinx when reading documents.
Package post_transforms Docutils transforms used by Sphinx.
Module references Docutils transforms used by Sphinx.


Class ApplySourceWorkaround Update source and rawsource attributes
Class AutoIndexUpgrader Detect old style (4 column based indices) and automatically upgrade to new style.
Class AutoNumbering Register IDs of tables, figures and literal_blocks to assign numbers.
Class DefaultSubstitutions Replace some substitutions if they aren't defined in the document.
Class DoctestTransform Set "doctest" style to each doctest_block node
Class DoctreeReadEvent Emit :event:`doctree-read` event.
Class ExtraTranslatableNodes Make nodes translatable
Class FilterSystemMessages Filter system messages from a doctree.
Class GlossarySorter Sort glossaries that have the ``sorted`` flag.
Class HandleCodeBlocks Several code block related transformations.
Class ManpageLink Find manpage section numbers and names
Class MoveModuleTargets Move module targets that are the first thing in a section to the section title.
Class SortIds Sort section IDs so that the "id[0-9]+" one comes last.
Class SphinxContentsFilter Used with BuildEnvironment.add_toc_from() to discard cross-file links within table-of-contents link nodes.
Class SphinxSmartQuotes Customized SmartQuotes to avoid transform for some extra node types.
Class SphinxTransform A base class of Transforms.
Class SphinxTransformer A transformer for Sphinx.
Class UnreferencedFootnotesDetector Detect unreferenced footnotes and emit warnings
Function setup Undocumented
Constant TRANSLATABLE_NODES Undocumented
Variable default_substitutions Undocumented
Variable logger Undocumented


default_substitutions: set[str] = (source)




{'literal-block': nodes.literal_block,
 'doctest-block': nodes.doctest_block,
 'raw': nodes.raw,
 'index': addnodes.index,
 'image': nodes.image}
def setup(app): (source)


dict[str, Any]Undocumented