module documentation

.. dialect:: postgresql+asyncpg :name: asyncpg :dbapi: asyncpg :connectstring: postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] :url: The asyncpg dialect is SQLAlchemy's first Python asyncio dialect. Using a special asyncio mediation layer, the asyncpg dialect is usable as the backend for the :ref:`SQLAlchemy asyncio <asyncio_toplevel>` extension package. This dialect should normally be used only with the :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine` engine creation function:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:pass@hostname/dbname") The dialect can also be run as a "synchronous" dialect within the :func:`_sa.create_engine` function, which will pass "await" calls into an ad-hoc event loop. This mode of operation is of **limited use** and is for special testing scenarios only. The mode can be enabled by adding the SQLAlchemy-specific flag ``async_fallback`` to the URL in conjunction with :func:`_sa.create_engine`:: # for testing purposes only; do not use in production! engine = create_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:pass@hostname/dbname?async_fallback=true") .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. note:: By default asyncpg does not decode the ``json`` and ``jsonb`` types and returns them as strings. SQLAlchemy sets default type decoder for ``json`` and ``jsonb`` types using the python builtin ``json.loads`` function. The json implementation used can be changed by setting the attribute ``json_deserializer`` when creating the engine with :func:`create_engine` or :func:`create_async_engine`. .. _asyncpg_prepared_statement_cache: Prepared Statement Cache -------------------------- The asyncpg SQLAlchemy dialect makes use of ``asyncpg.connection.prepare()`` for all statements. The prepared statement objects are cached after construction which appears to grant a 10% or more performance improvement for statement invocation. The cache is on a per-DBAPI connection basis, which means that the primary storage for prepared statements is within DBAPI connections pooled within the connection pool. The size of this cache defaults to 100 statements per DBAPI connection and may be adjusted using the ``prepared_statement_cache_size`` DBAPI argument (note that while this argument is implemented by SQLAlchemy, it is part of the DBAPI emulation portion of the asyncpg dialect, therefore is handled as a DBAPI argument, not a dialect argument):: engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:pass@hostname/dbname?prepared_statement_cache_size=500") To disable the prepared statement cache, use a value of zero:: engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:pass@hostname/dbname?prepared_statement_cache_size=0") .. versionadded:: 1.4.0b2 Added ``prepared_statement_cache_size`` for asyncpg. .. warning:: The ``asyncpg`` database driver necessarily uses caches for PostgreSQL type OIDs, which become stale when custom PostgreSQL datatypes such as ``ENUM`` objects are changed via DDL operations. Additionally, prepared statements themselves which are optionally cached by SQLAlchemy's driver as described above may also become "stale" when DDL has been emitted to the PostgreSQL database which modifies the tables or other objects involved in a particular prepared statement. The SQLAlchemy asyncpg dialect will invalidate these caches within its local process when statements that represent DDL are emitted on a local connection, but this is only controllable within a single Python process / database engine. If DDL changes are made from other database engines and/or processes, a running application may encounter asyncpg exceptions ``InvalidCachedStatementError`` and/or ``InternalServerError("cache lookup failed for type <oid>")`` if it refers to pooled database connections which operated upon the previous structures. The SQLAlchemy asyncpg dialect will recover from these error cases when the driver raises these exceptions by clearing its internal caches as well as those of the asyncpg driver in response to them, but cannot prevent them from being raised in the first place if the cached prepared statement or asyncpg type caches have gone stale, nor can it retry the statement as the PostgreSQL transaction is invalidated when these errors occur. Disabling the PostgreSQL JIT to improve ENUM datatype handling --------------------------------------------------------------- Asyncpg has an `issue <>`_ when using PostgreSQL ENUM datatypes, where upon the creation of new database connections, an expensive query may be emitted in order to retrieve metadata regarding custom types which has been shown to negatively affect performance. To mitigate this issue, the PostgreSQL "jit" setting may be disabled from the client using this setting passed to :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine`:: engine = create_async_engine( "postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@localhost/tmp", connect_args={"server_settings": {"jit": "off"}}, ) .. seealso::

Class AsyncAdapt_asyncpg_connection Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_asyncpg_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_asyncpg_dbapi Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_asyncpg_ss_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdaptFallback_asyncpg_connection Undocumented
Class AsyncpgBigInteger Undocumented
Class AsyncpgBoolean Undocumented
Class AsyncpgCHAR Undocumented
Class AsyncpgDate Undocumented
Class AsyncpgDateTime Undocumented
Class AsyncPgEnum Undocumented
Class AsyncpgFloat Undocumented
Class AsyncpgInteger Undocumented
Class AsyncPgInterval Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSON Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSONB Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSONIndexType Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSONIntIndexType Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSONPathType Undocumented
Class AsyncpgJSONStrIndexType Undocumented
Class AsyncpgNumeric Undocumented
Class AsyncpgOID Undocumented
Class AsyncpgREGCLASS Undocumented
Class AsyncpgREGCONFIG Undocumented
Class AsyncpgString Undocumented
Class AsyncpgTime Undocumented
Class PGCompiler_asyncpg Undocumented
Class PGDialect_asyncpg No class docstring; 0/2 property, 0/1 instance variable, 0/9 class variable, 3/15 methods, 0/2 class method documented
Class PGExecutionContext_asyncpg Undocumented
Class PGIdentifierPreparer_asyncpg Undocumented
Class _AsyncpgMultiRange Undocumented
Class _AsyncpgRange Undocumented