module documentation

.. dialect:: postgresql+psycopg :name: psycopg (a.k.a. psycopg 3) :dbapi: psycopg :connectstring: postgresql+psycopg://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] :url: ``psycopg`` is the package and module name for version 3 of the ``psycopg`` database driver, formerly known as ``psycopg2``. This driver is different enough from its ``psycopg2`` predecessor that SQLAlchemy supports it via a totally separate dialect; support for ``psycopg2`` is expected to remain for as long as that package continues to function for modern Python versions, and also remains the default dialect for the ``postgresql://`` dialect series. The SQLAlchemy ``psycopg`` dialect provides both a sync and an async implementation under the same dialect name. The proper version is selected depending on how the engine is created: * calling :func:`_sa.create_engine` with ``postgresql+psycopg://...`` will automatically select the sync version, e.g.:: from sqlalchemy import create_engine sync_engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg://scott:tiger@localhost/test") * calling :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine` with ``postgresql+psycopg://...`` will automatically select the async version, e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine asyncio_engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+psycopg://scott:tiger@localhost/test") The asyncio version of the dialect may also be specified explicitly using the ``psycopg_async`` suffix, as:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine asyncio_engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+psycopg_async://scott:tiger@localhost/test") The ``psycopg`` dialect has the same API features as that of ``psycopg2``, with the exception of the "fast executemany" helpers. The "fast executemany" helpers are expected to be generalized and ported to ``psycopg`` before the final release of SQLAlchemy 2.0, however. .. seealso:: :ref:`postgresql_psycopg2` - The SQLAlchemy ``psycopg`` dialect shares most of its behavior with the ``psycopg2`` dialect. Further documentation is available there.

Class AsyncAdapt_psycopg_connection Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_psycopg_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_psycopg_ss_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdaptFallback_psycopg_connection Undocumented
Class PGCompiler_psycopg Undocumented
Class PGDialect_psycopg Undocumented
Class PGDialectAsync_psycopg Undocumented
Class PGExecutionContext_psycopg Undocumented
Class PGIdentifierPreparer_psycopg Undocumented
Class PsycopgAdaptDBAPI Undocumented
Variable logger Undocumented
Class _PGBigInteger Undocumented
Class _PGBoolean Undocumented
Class _PGDate Undocumented
Class _PGInteger Undocumented
Class _PGInterval Undocumented
Class _PGJSON Undocumented
Class _PGJSONB Undocumented
Class _PGJSONIntIndexType Undocumented
Class _PGJSONPathType Undocumented
Class _PGJSONStrIndexType Undocumented
Class _PGNullType Undocumented
Class _PGREGCONFIG Undocumented
Class _PGSmallInteger Undocumented
Class _PGString Undocumented
Class _PGTime Undocumented
Class _PGTimeStamp Undocumented
Class _PsycopgMultiRange Undocumented
Class _PsycopgRange Undocumented
Function _log_notices Undocumented


def _log_notices(diagnostic): (source)
