class documentation

class ReflectedColumn(TypedDict): (source)

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Dictionary representing the reflected elements corresponding to a :class:`_schema.Column` object. The :class:`.ReflectedColumn` structure is returned by the :class:`.Inspector.get_columns` method.

Class Variable autoincrement database-dependent autoincrement flag.
Class Variable comment comment for the column, if present. Only some dialects return this key
Class Variable computed indicates that this column is computed by the database. Only some dialects return this key.
Class Variable default column default expression as a SQL string
Class Variable dialect_options Additional dialect-specific options detected for this reflected object
Class Variable identity indicates this column is an IDENTITY column. Only some dialects return this key.
Class Variable name column name
Class Variable nullable boolean flag if the column is NULL or NOT NULL
Class Variable type column type represented as a :class:`.TypeEngine` instance.
autoincrement: NotRequired[bool] = (source)

database-dependent autoincrement flag. This flag indicates if the column has a database-side "autoincrement" flag of some kind. Within SQLAlchemy, other kinds of columns may also act as an "autoincrement" column without necessarily having such a flag on them. See :paramref:`_schema.Column.autoincrement` for more background on "autoincrement".

comment: NotRequired[Optional[str]] = (source)

comment for the column, if present. Only some dialects return this key

computed: NotRequired[ReflectedComputed] = (source)

indicates that this column is computed by the database. Only some dialects return this key. .. versionadded:: 1.3.16 - added support for computed reflection.

column default expression as a SQL string

dialect_options: NotRequired[Dict[str, Any]] = (source)

Additional dialect-specific options detected for this reflected object

identity: NotRequired[ReflectedIdentity] = (source)

indicates this column is an IDENTITY column. Only some dialects return this key. .. versionadded:: 1.4 - added support for identity column reflection.

column name

nullable: bool = (source)

boolean flag if the column is NULL or NOT NULL

column type represented as a :class:`.TypeEngine` instance.