class documentation

class ReflectedIndex(TypedDict): (source)

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Dictionary representing the reflected elements corresponding to :class:`.Index`. The :class:`.ReflectedIndex` structure is returned by the :meth:`.Inspector.get_indexes` method.

Class Variable column_names column names which the index refers towards. An element of this list is ``None`` if it's an expression and is returned in the ``expressions`` list.
Class Variable column_sorting optional dict mapping column names to tuple of sort keywords, which may include ``asc``, ``desc``, ``nulls_first``, ``nulls_last``.
Class Variable dialect_options Additional dialect-specific options detected for this index
Class Variable duplicates_constraint Indicates if this index mirrors a unique constraint with this name
Class Variable expressions Expressions that compose the index. This list, when present, contains both plain column names (that are also in ``column_names``) and expressions (that are ``None`` in ``column_names``).
Class Variable include_columns columns to include in the INCLUDE clause for supporting databases.
Class Variable name index name
Class Variable unique whether or not the index has a unique flag
column_names: List[Optional[str]] = (source)

column names which the index refers towards. An element of this list is ``None`` if it's an expression and is returned in the ``expressions`` list.

column_sorting: NotRequired[Dict[str, Tuple[str]]] = (source)

optional dict mapping column names to tuple of sort keywords, which may include ``asc``, ``desc``, ``nulls_first``, ``nulls_last``. .. versionadded:: 1.3.5

dialect_options: NotRequired[Dict[str, Any]] = (source)

Additional dialect-specific options detected for this index

duplicates_constraint: NotRequired[Optional[str]] = (source)

Indicates if this index mirrors a unique constraint with this name

expressions: NotRequired[List[str]] = (source)

Expressions that compose the index. This list, when present, contains both plain column names (that are also in ``column_names``) and expressions (that are ``None`` in ``column_names``).

include_columns: NotRequired[List[str]] = (source)

columns to include in the INCLUDE clause for supporting databases. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Legacy value, will be replaced with ``index_dict["dialect_options"]["<dialect name>_include"]``

index name

whether or not the index has a unique flag