class documentation

class _HasEventsDispatch(Generic[_ET]): (source)

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.event.base.Events

View In Hierarchy


Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __init_subclass__ Intercept new Event subclasses and create associated _Dispatch classes.
Class Variable dispatch reference back to the _Dispatch class.
Class Method _accept_with Undocumented
Class Method _create_dispatcher_class Create a :class:`._Dispatch` class corresponding to an :class:`.Events` class.
Class Method _listen Undocumented
Static Method _set_dispatch Undocumented
Class Variable _dispatch_target class which will receive the .dispatch collection
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> _InstanceLevelDispatch[_ET]: (source)


def __init_subclass__(cls): (source)

Intercept new Event subclasses and create associated _Dispatch classes.

reference back to the _Dispatch class. Bidirectional against _Dispatch._events

def _accept_with(cls, target: Union[_ET, Type[_ET]], identifier: str) -> Optional[Union[_ET, Type[_ET]]]: (source)


def _create_dispatcher_class(cls, classname: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dict_: Dict[str, Any]): (source)

Create a :class:`._Dispatch` class corresponding to an :class:`.Events` class.

def _listen(cls, event_key: _EventKey[_ET], *, propagate: bool = False, insert: bool = False, named: bool = False, asyncio: bool = False): (source)


def _set_dispatch(klass: Type[_HasEventsDispatch[_ET]], dispatch_cls: Type[_Dispatch[_ET]]) -> _Dispatch[_ET]: (source)


_dispatch_target: Optional[Type[_ET]] = (source)

class which will receive the .dispatch collection