module documentation

Base implementation classes. The public-facing ``Events`` serves as the base class for an event interface; its public attributes represent different kinds of events. These attributes are mirrored onto a ``_Dispatch`` class, which serves as a container for collections of listener functions. These collections are represented both at the class level of a particular ``_Dispatch`` class as well as within instances of ``_Dispatch``.

Class dispatcher Descriptor used by target classes to deliver the _Dispatch class at the class level and produce new _Dispatch instances for target instances.
Class Events Define event listening functions for a particular target type.
Class slots_dispatcher Undocumented
Class _Dispatch Mirror the event listening definitions of an Events class with listener collections.
Class _DispatchCommon Undocumented
Class _HasEventsDispatch No class docstring; 2/2 class variables, 1/2 method, 0/1 static method, 1/3 class method documented
Class _JoinedDispatcher Represent a connection between two _Dispatch objects.
Class _UnpickleDispatch Serializable callable that re-generates an instance of :class:`_Dispatch` given a particular :class:`.Events` subclass.
Function _is_event_name Undocumented
Function _remove_dispatcher Undocumented
Variable _registrars Undocumented
def _is_event_name(name: str) -> bool: (source)


def _remove_dispatcher(cls: Type[_HasEventsDispatch[_ET]]): (source)
