class documentation

class RelationshipDirection(Enum): (source)

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enumeration which indicates the 'direction' of a :class:`_orm.RelationshipProperty`. :class:`.RelationshipDirection` is accessible from the :attr:`_orm.Relationship.direction` attribute of :class:`_orm.RelationshipProperty`.

Constant MANYTOMANY Indicates the many-to-many direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`.
Constant MANYTOONE Indicates the many-to-one direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`.
Constant ONETOMANY Indicates the one-to-many direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`.
MANYTOMANY: int = (source)

Indicates the many-to-many direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`. This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within certain API features.

MANYTOONE: int = (source)

Indicates the many-to-one direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`. This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within certain API features.

ONETOMANY: int = (source)

Indicates the one-to-many direction for a :func:`_orm.relationship`. This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within certain API features.
