class documentation

Define events specific to object lifecycle. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy import event def my_load_listener(target, context): print("on load!") event.listen(SomeClass, 'load', my_load_listener) Available targets include: * mapped classes * unmapped superclasses of mapped or to-be-mapped classes (using the ``propagate=True`` flag) * :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects * the :class:`_orm.Mapper` class itself indicates listening for all mappers. Instance events are closely related to mapper events, but are more specific to the instance and its instrumentation, rather than its system of persistence. When using :class:`.InstanceEvents`, several modifiers are available to the :func:`.event.listen` function. :param propagate=False: When True, the event listener should be applied to all inheriting classes as well as the class which is the target of this listener. :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument passed to applicable event listener functions will be the instance's :class:`.InstanceState` management object, rather than the mapped instance itself. :param restore_load_context=False: Applies to the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` and :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` events. Restores the loader context of the object when the event hook is complete, so that ongoing eager load operations continue to target the object appropriately. A warning is emitted if the object is moved to a new loader context from within one of these events if this flag is not set. .. versionadded:: 1.3.14

Method expire Receive an object instance after its attributes or some subset have been expired.
Method first_init Called when the first instance of a particular mapping is called.
Method init Receive an instance when its constructor is called.
Method init_failure Receive an instance when its constructor has been called, and raised an exception.
Method load Receive an object instance after it has been created via ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has occurred.
Method pickle Receive an object instance when its associated state is being pickled.
Method refresh Receive an object instance after one or more attributes have been refreshed from a query.
Method refresh_flush Receive an object instance after one or more attributes that contain a column-level default or onupdate handler have been refreshed during persistence of the object's state.
Method unpickle Receive an object instance after its associated state has been unpickled.
Class Method _accept_with Undocumented
Class Method _clear Undocumented
Class Method _listen Undocumented
Class Method _new_classmanager_instance Undocumented
Method _sa_event_merge_wo_load receive an object instance after it was the subject of a merge() call, when load=False was passed.
Class Variable _target_class_doc Undocumented

Inherited from Events:

Class Method _remove Undocumented

Inherited from _HasEventsDispatch (via Events):

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __init_subclass__ Intercept new Event subclasses and create associated _Dispatch classes.
Class Variable dispatch reference back to the _Dispatch class.
Class Method _create_dispatcher_class Create a :class:`._Dispatch` class corresponding to an :class:`.Events` class.
Static Method _set_dispatch Undocumented
Class Variable _dispatch_target class which will receive the .dispatch collection
def expire(self, target: _O, attrs: Optional[Iterable[str]]): (source)

Receive an object instance after its attributes or some subset have been expired. 'keys' is a list of attribute names. If None, the entire state was expired. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param attrs: sequence of attribute names which were expired, or None if all attributes were expired.

def first_init(self, manager: ClassManager[_O], cls: Type[_O]): (source)

Called when the first instance of a particular mapping is called. This event is called when the ``__init__`` method of a class is called the first time for that particular class. The event invokes before ``__init__`` actually proceeds as well as before the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` event is invoked.

def init(self, target: _O, args: Any, kwargs: Any): (source)

Receive an instance when its constructor is called. This method is only called during a userland construction of an object, in conjunction with the object's constructor, e.g. its ``__init__`` method. It is not called when an object is loaded from the database; see the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` event in order to intercept a database load. The event is called before the actual ``__init__`` constructor of the object is called. The ``kwargs`` dictionary may be modified in-place in order to affect what is passed to ``__init__``. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param args: positional arguments passed to the ``__init__`` method. This is passed as a tuple and is currently immutable. :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the ``__init__`` method. This structure *can* be altered in place. .. seealso:: :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init_failure` :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load`

def init_failure(self, target: _O, args: Any, kwargs: Any): (source)

Receive an instance when its constructor has been called, and raised an exception. This method is only called during a userland construction of an object, in conjunction with the object's constructor, e.g. its ``__init__`` method. It is not called when an object is loaded from the database. The event is invoked after an exception raised by the ``__init__`` method is caught. After the event is invoked, the original exception is re-raised outwards, so that the construction of the object still raises an exception. The actual exception and stack trace raised should be present in ``sys.exc_info()``. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param args: positional arguments that were passed to the ``__init__`` method. :param kwargs: keyword arguments that were passed to the ``__init__`` method. .. seealso:: :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load`

def load(self, target: _O, context: QueryContext): (source)

Receive an object instance after it has been created via ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has occurred. This typically occurs when the instance is created based on incoming result rows, and is only called once for that instance's lifetime. .. warning:: During a result-row load, this event is invoked when the first row received for this instance is processed. When using eager loading with collection-oriented attributes, the additional rows that are to be loaded / processed in order to load subsequent collection items have not occurred yet. This has the effect both that collections will not be fully loaded, as well as that if an operation occurs within this event handler that emits another database load operation for the object, the "loading context" for the object can change and interfere with the existing eager loaders still in progress. Examples of what can cause the "loading context" to change within the event handler include, but are not necessarily limited to: * accessing deferred attributes that weren't part of the row, will trigger an "undefer" operation and refresh the object * accessing attributes on a joined-inheritance subclass that weren't part of the row, will trigger a refresh operation. As of SQLAlchemy 1.3.14, a warning is emitted when this occurs. The :paramref:`.InstanceEvents.restore_load_context` option may be used on the event to prevent this warning; this will ensure that the existing loading context is maintained for the object after the event is called:: @event.listens_for( SomeClass, "load", restore_load_context=True) def on_load(instance, context): instance.some_unloaded_attribute .. versionchanged:: 1.3.14 Added :paramref:`.InstanceEvents.restore_load_context` and :paramref:`.SessionEvents.restore_load_context` flags which apply to "on load" events, which will ensure that the loading context for an object is restored when the event hook is complete; a warning is emitted if the load context of the object changes without this flag being set. The :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` event is also available in a class-method decorator format called :func:`_orm.reconstructor`. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the current :class:`_query.Query` in progress. This argument may be ``None`` if the load does not correspond to a :class:`_query.Query`, such as during :meth:`.Session.merge`. .. seealso:: :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` :meth:`.SessionEvents.loaded_as_persistent` :ref:`mapping_constructors`

def pickle(self, target: _O, state_dict: _InstanceDict): (source)

Receive an object instance when its associated state is being pickled. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param state_dict: the dictionary returned by :class:`.InstanceState.__getstate__`, containing the state to be pickled.

def refresh(self, target: _O, context: QueryContext, attrs: Optional[Iterable[str]]): (source)

Receive an object instance after one or more attributes have been refreshed from a query. Contrast this to the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` method, which is invoked when the object is first loaded from a query. .. note:: This event is invoked within the loader process before eager loaders may have been completed, and the object's state may not be complete. Additionally, invoking row-level refresh operations on the object will place the object into a new loader context, interfering with the existing load context. See the note on :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` for background on making use of the :paramref:`.InstanceEvents.restore_load_context` parameter, in order to resolve this scenario. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the current :class:`_query.Query` in progress. :param attrs: sequence of attribute names which were populated, or None if all column-mapped, non-deferred attributes were populated. .. seealso:: :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load`

def refresh_flush(self, target: _O, flush_context: UOWTransaction, attrs: Optional[Iterable[str]]): (source)

Receive an object instance after one or more attributes that contain a column-level default or onupdate handler have been refreshed during persistence of the object's state. This event is the same as :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` except it is invoked within the unit of work flush process, and includes only non-primary-key columns that have column level default or onupdate handlers, including Python callables as well as server side defaults and triggers which may be fetched via the RETURNING clause. .. note:: While the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh_flush` event is triggered for an object that was INSERTed as well as for an object that was UPDATEd, the event is geared primarily towards the UPDATE process; it is mostly an internal artifact that INSERT actions can also trigger this event, and note that **primary key columns for an INSERTed row are explicitly omitted** from this event. In order to intercept the newly INSERTed state of an object, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.pending_to_persistent` and :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_insert` are better choices. .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object which handles the details of the flush. :param attrs: sequence of attribute names which were populated. .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_server_defaults` :ref:`metadata_defaults_toplevel`

def unpickle(self, target: _O, state_dict: _InstanceDict): (source)

Receive an object instance after its associated state has been unpickled. :param target: the mapped instance. If the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management object associated with the instance. :param state_dict: the dictionary sent to :class:`.InstanceState.__setstate__`, containing the state dictionary which was pickled.

def _accept_with(cls, target: Union[ClassManager[Any], Type[ClassManager[Any]]], identifier: str) -> Optional[Union[ClassManager[Any], Type[ClassManager[Any]]]]: (source)
def _listen(cls, event_key: _EventKey[ClassManager[Any]], raw: bool = False, propagate: bool = False, restore_load_context: bool = False, **kw: Any): (source)


def _new_classmanager_instance(cls, class_: Union[DeclarativeAttributeIntercept, DeclarativeMeta, type], classmanager: ClassManager[_O]): (source)


def _sa_event_merge_wo_load(self, target: _O, context: QueryContext): (source)

receive an object instance after it was the subject of a merge() call, when load=False was passed. The target would be the already-loaded object in the Session which would have had its attributes overwritten by the incoming object. This overwrite operation does not use attribute events, instead just populating dict directly. Therefore the purpose of this event is so that extensions like sqlalchemy.ext.mutable know that object state has changed and incoming state needs to be set up for "parents" etc. This functionality is acceptable to be made public in a later release. .. versionadded:: 1.4.41

_target_class_doc: str = (source)
