class documentation

class _AttributeOptions(NamedTuple): (source)

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define Python-local attribute behavior options common to all :class:`.MapperProperty` objects. Currently this includes dataclass-generation arguments. .. versionadded:: 2.0

Class Variable dataclasses_compare Undocumented
Class Variable dataclasses_default Undocumented
Class Variable dataclasses_default_factory Undocumented
Class Variable dataclasses_init Undocumented
Class Variable dataclasses_kw_only Undocumented
Class Variable dataclasses_repr Undocumented
Class Method _get_arguments_for_make_dataclass given attribute key, annotation, and value from a class, return the argument tuple we would pass to dataclasses.make_dataclass() for this attribute.
Method _as_dataclass_field Return a ``dataclasses.Field`` object given these arguments.
dataclasses_compare: Union[_NoArg, bool] = (source)


dataclasses_default: Union[_NoArg, Any] = (source)


dataclasses_default_factory: Union[_NoArg, Callable[[], Any]] = (source)


dataclasses_init: Union[_NoArg, bool] = (source)


dataclasses_kw_only: Union[_NoArg, bool] = (source)


dataclasses_repr: Union[_NoArg, bool] = (source)


def _get_arguments_for_make_dataclass(cls, key: str, annotation: _AnnotationScanType, mapped_container: Optional[Any], elem: _T) -> Union[Tuple[str, _AnnotationScanType], Tuple[str, _AnnotationScanType, dataclasses.Field[Any]]]: (source)

given attribute key, annotation, and value from a class, return the argument tuple we would pass to dataclasses.make_dataclass() for this attribute.

def _as_dataclass_field(self) -> Any: (source)

Return a ``dataclasses.Field`` object given these arguments.