module documentation

Contains various base classes used throughout the ORM. Defines some key base classes prominent within the internals. This module and the classes within are mostly private, though some attributes are exposed when inspecting mappings.

Class CompileStateOption base for :class:`.ORMOption` classes that affect the compilation of a SQL query and therefore need to be part of the cache key.
Class CriteriaOption Describe a WHERE criteria modification to an ORM statement at compilation time.
Class LoaderOption Describe a loader modification to an ORM statement at compilation time.
Class LoaderStrategy Describe the loading behavior of a StrategizedProperty object.
Class MapperOption Describe a modification to a Query
Class MapperProperty Represent a particular class attribute mapped by :class:`_orm.Mapper`.
Class ORMColumnDescription Undocumented
Class ORMColumnsClauseRole Undocumented
Class ORMEntityColumnsClauseRole Undocumented
Class ORMFromClauseRole Undocumented
Class ORMOption Base class for option objects that are passed to ORM queries.
Class ORMStatementRole Undocumented
Class PropComparator Defines SQL operations for ORM mapped attributes.
Class StrategizedProperty A MapperProperty which uses selectable strategies to affect loading behavior.
Class UserDefinedOption Base class for a user-defined option that can be consumed from the :meth:`.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` event hook.
Class _AttributeOptions define Python-local attribute behavior options common to all :class:`.MapperProperty` objects.
Class _DCAttributeOptions mixin for descriptors or configurational objects that include dataclass field options.
Class _IntrospectsAnnotations No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 2/3 methods documented
Class _MapsColumns interface for declarative-capable construct that delivers one or more Column objects to the declarative process to be part of a Table.
Type Variable _T Undocumented
Type Variable _TLS Undocumented
Type Alias _StrategyKey Undocumented




_StrategyKey = (source)


Tuple[Any, ...]