class documentation

Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse` function. Direct usage of the :func:`.visitors.cloned_traverse` function is usually preferred.

Method copy_and_process Apply cloned traversal to the given list of elements, and return the new list.
Method traverse Traverse and visit the given expression structure.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented

Inherited from ExternalTraversal:

Method chain 'Chain' an additional ExternalTraversal onto this ExternalTraversal
Method iterate Traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator of all elements.
Method traverse_single Undocumented
Class Variable __traverse_options__ Undocumented
Property visitor_iterator Iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor.
Method _memoized_attr__visitor_dict Undocumented
Class Variable _next Undocumented

Inherited from MemoizedSlots (via ExternalTraversal):

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method _fallback_getattr Undocumented
def copy_and_process(self, list_: List[ExternallyTraversible]) -> List[ExternallyTraversible]: (source)

Apply cloned traversal to the given list of elements, and return the new list.

def traverse(self, obj: Literal[None]):
def traverse(self, obj: ExternallyTraversible) -> ExternallyTraversible:

Traverse and visit the given expression structure.