class documentation

Base class for visitor objects which can traverse externally using the :func:`.visitors.traverse` function. Direct usage of the :func:`.visitors.traverse` function is usually preferred.

Method chain 'Chain' an additional ExternalTraversal onto this ExternalTraversal
Method iterate Traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator of all elements.
Method traverse Traverse and visit the given expression structure.
Method traverse_single Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable __traverse_options__ Undocumented
Property visitor_iterator Iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor.
Method _memoized_attr__visitor_dict Undocumented
Class Variable _next Undocumented

Inherited from MemoizedSlots:

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method _fallback_getattr Undocumented
def chain(self: _ExtT, visitor: ExternalTraversal) -> _ExtT: (source)

'Chain' an additional ExternalTraversal onto this ExternalTraversal The chained visitor will receive all visit events after this one.

Traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator of all elements.

def traverse(self, obj: Literal[None]):
def traverse(self, obj: ExternallyTraversible) -> ExternallyTraversible:

Traverse and visit the given expression structure.

def traverse_single(self, obj: Visitable, **kw: Any) -> Any: (source)


__traverse_options__: Dict[str, Any] = (source)


Iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor.

def _memoized_attr__visitor_dict(self) -> Dict[str, _TraverseCallableType[Any]]: (source)
