class documentation

In-memory implementation of IStreamServerEndpoint.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method listen Return a Deferred and store it for future use. (Implementation of IStreamServerEndpoint).
Method startedListening Test code should invoke this method after causing listen to be invoked in order to fire the Deferred previously returned from listen.
Method stoppedListening Test code should invoke this method after causing stopListening to be invoked on the port fired from the Deferred returned from listen in order to cause the Deferred returned from stopListening to fire.
Instance Variable cancelException The exception to errback self.result when it is cancelled.
Instance Variable factory The factory passed to listen.
Instance Variable failImmediately If set, the exception to fail the Deferred returned from listen before it is returned.
Instance Variable listenAttempts The number of times listen has been invoked.
Instance Variable port The IListeningPort which listen's Deferred will fire with.
Instance Variable result The Deferred resulting from the call to listen, after listen has been called.
def __init__(self): (source)


def listen(self, factory): (source)

Return a Deferred and store it for future use. (Implementation of IStreamServerEndpoint).

factorythe factory to listen with
a Deferred stored in FakeServer.result
def startedListening(self): (source)

Test code should invoke this method after causing listen to be invoked in order to fire the Deferred previously returned from listen.

def stoppedListening(self): (source)

Test code should invoke this method after causing stopListening to be invoked on the port fired from the Deferred returned from listen in order to cause the Deferred returned from stopListening to fire.

cancelException = (source)

The exception to errback self.result when it is cancelled.

The factory passed to listen.

failImmediately = (source)

If set, the exception to fail the Deferred returned from listen before it is returned.

listenAttempts: int = (source)

The number of times listen has been invoked.

The IListeningPort which listen's Deferred will fire with.

The Deferred resulting from the call to listen, after listen has been called.