module documentation

Tests for (new code in) twisted.application.internet.

Class ClientServiceTests Tests for ClientService.
Class ConnectInformation Information about endpointForTesting
Class EndpointServiceTests Tests for twisted.application.internet.
Class FakePort Fake IListeningPort implementation.
Class FakeServer In-memory implementation of IStreamServerEndpoint.
Class TimerServiceTests Tests for twisted.application.internet.TimerService.
Function catchLogs Catch the global log stream.
Function endpointForTesting Make a sample endpoint for testing.
Function fakeTargetFunction A fake target function for testing TimerService which does nothing.
Constant AT_LEAST_ONE_ATTEMPT At least enough seconds for ClientService to make one attempt.
def catchLogs(testCase, logPublisher=globalLogPublisher): (source)

Catch the global log stream.

testCaseThe test case to add a cleanup to.
logPublisherthe log publisher to add and remove observers for.
list of unicodea 0-argument callable that returns a list of textual log messages for comparison.
def endpointForTesting(fireImmediately=False): (source)

Make a sample endpoint for testing.

fireImmediatelyIf true, fire all Deferreds returned from connect immedaitely.
a 2-tuple of (information, endpoint), where information is a ConnectInformation describing the operations in progress on endpoint.
def fakeTargetFunction(): (source)

A fake target function for testing TimerService which does nothing.

AT_LEAST_ONE_ATTEMPT: float = (source)

At least enough seconds for ClientService to make one attempt.
