interface documentation

class IAccountIMAP(Interface): (source)

Known implementations: twisted.mail.imap4.MemoryAccountWithoutNamespaces

View In Hierarchy

Interface for Account classes

Implementors of this interface should consider implementing INamespacePresenter.

Method addMailbox Add a new mailbox to this account
Method create Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.
Method delete Delete the mailbox with the specified name.
Method isSubscribed Check the subscription status of a mailbox
Method listMailboxes List all the mailboxes that meet a certain criteria
Method rename Rename a mailbox
Method select Acquire a mailbox, given its name.
Method subscribe Subscribe to a mailbox
Method unsubscribe Unsubscribe from a mailbox
def addMailbox(name, mbox=None): (source)

Add a new mailbox to this account

name:bytesThe name associated with this mailbox. It may not contain multiple hierarchical parts.
mbox:An object implementing IMailboxIMAPThe mailbox to associate with this name. If None, a suitable default is created and used.
Deferred or boolA true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be added for some reason. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.
def create(pathspec): (source)

Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.

pathspec:bytesThe full hierarchical name of a new mailbox to create. If any of the inferior hierarchical names to this one do not exist, they are created as well.
Deferred or boolA true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be added. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.
def delete(name): (source)

Delete the mailbox with the specified name.

name:bytesThe mailbox to delete.
Deferred or boolA true value if the mailbox is successfully deleted, or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked when the deletion completes.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be deleted. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.
def isSubscribed(name): (source)

Check the subscription status of a mailbox

name:bytesThe name of the mailbox to check
Deferred or boolA true value if the given mailbox is currently subscribed to, a false value otherwise. A Deferred may also be returned whose callback will be invoked with one of these values.
def listMailboxes(ref, wildcard): (source)

List all the mailboxes that meet a certain criteria

ref:bytesThe context in which to apply the wildcard
wildcard:bytesAn expression against which to match mailbox names. '*' matches any number of characters in a mailbox name, and '%' matches similarly, but will not match across hierarchical boundaries.
list of tupleA list of (mailboxName, mailboxObject) which meet the given criteria. mailboxObject should implement either IMailboxIMAPInfo or IMailboxIMAP. A Deferred may also be returned.
def rename(oldname, newname): (source)

Rename a mailbox

oldname:bytesThe current name of the mailbox to rename.
newname:bytesThe new name to associate with the mailbox.
Deferred or boolA true value if the mailbox is successfully renamed, or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked when the rename operation is completed.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be renamed. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.
def select(name, rw=True): (source)

Acquire a mailbox, given its name.

name:bytesThe mailbox to acquire
rw:boolIf a true value, request a read-write version of this mailbox. If a false value, request a read-only version.
Any object implementing IMailboxIMAP or DeferredThe mailbox object, or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with the mailbox object. None may be returned if the specified mailbox may not be selected for any reason.
def subscribe(name): (source)

Subscribe to a mailbox

name:bytesThe name of the mailbox to subscribe to
Deferred or boolA true value if the mailbox is subscribed to successfully, or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when the subscription is successful.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be subscribed to. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.
def unsubscribe(name): (source)

Unsubscribe from a mailbox

name:bytesThe name of the mailbox to unsubscribe from
Deferred or boolA true value if the mailbox is unsubscribed from successfully, or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when the unsubscription is successful.
MailboxExceptionRaised if this mailbox cannot be unsubscribed from. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a Deferred is returned.