interface documentation

class IMailboxIMAPListener(Interface): (source)

Known implementations: twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Client, twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Server

View In Hierarchy

Interface for objects interested in mailbox events

Method flagsChanged Indicates that the flags of one or more messages have changed.
Method modeChanged Indicates that the write status of a mailbox has changed.
Method newMessages Indicates that the number of messages in a mailbox has changed.
def flagsChanged(newFlags): (source)

Indicates that the flags of one or more messages have changed.

newFlags:dictA mapping of message identifiers to tuples of flags now set on that message.
def modeChanged(writeable): (source)

Indicates that the write status of a mailbox has changed.

writeable:boolA true value if write is now allowed, false otherwise.
def newMessages(exists, recent): (source)

Indicates that the number of messages in a mailbox has changed.

exists:int or NoneThe total number of messages now in this mailbox. If the total number of messages has not changed, this should be None.
recent:intThe number of messages now flagged \Recent. If the number of recent messages has not changed, this should be None.