class documentation


Method fetch Retrieve one or more messages.
Class Variable callLater Undocumented
Class Variable fetchDeferred Undocumented
Class Variable howSlow Undocumented

Inherited from SimpleMailbox:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method addMessage Add the given message to this mailbox.
Method close Close this mailbox.
Method destroy Called before this mailbox is deleted, permanently.
Method expunge Remove all messages flagged \Deleted.
Method getFlags Return the flags defined in this mailbox
Method getHierarchicalDelimiter Get the character which delimits namespaces for in this mailbox.
Method getMessageCount Return the number of messages in this mailbox.
Method getRecentCount Return the number of messages with the 'Recent' flag.
Method getUID Return the UID of a message in the mailbox
Method getUIDNext Return the likely UID for the next message added to this mailbox.
Method getUIDValidity Return the unique validity identifier for this mailbox.
Method getUnseenCount Return the number of messages with the 'Unseen' flag.
Method isWriteable Get the read/write status of the mailbox.
Method requestStatus Return status information about this mailbox.
Method store Set the flags of one or more messages.
Class Variable flags Undocumented
Class Variable messages Undocumented
Class Variable mUID Undocumented
Class Variable rw Undocumented
Instance Variable addListener Add a mailbox change listener
Instance Variable closed Undocumented
Instance Variable listeners Undocumented
Instance Variable removeListener Remove a mailbox change listener
def fetch(self, messages, uid): (source)

Retrieve one or more messages.

messages:MessageSetThe identifiers of messages to retrieve information about
uid:boolIf true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs; otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
Any iterable of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and implementors of IMessageIMAP.Undocumented
callLater = (source)


fetchDeferred = (source)

