module documentation

Test case for twisted.mail.imap4

Class Account An in-memory account that provides INamespacePresenter.
Class AccountWithoutNamespaces An in-memory account that does not provide INamespacePresenter.
Class AuthenticatorTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 7/20 methods documented
Class BufferingConsumer Undocumented
Class ClientCapabilityTests Tests for issuance of the CAPABILITY command and handling of its response.
Class CopyWorkerTests Undocumented
Class DefaultSearchTests Test the behavior of the server's SEARCH implementation, particularly in the face of unhandled search terms.
Class DisconnectionTests Undocumented
Class FakeMailbox Undocumented
Class FakeyMessage Undocumented
Class FakeyServer Undocumented
Class FeaturefulMessage Undocumented
Class FetchSearchStoreTests No class docstring; 0/11 instance variable, 1/10 method documented
Class GetBodyStructureTests Tests for imap4.getBodyStructure, a helper for constructing a list which directly corresponds to the wire information needed for a BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE response.
Class HandCraftedTests No class docstring; 8/9 methods documented
Class IMAP4ClientCopyTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.copy method.
Class IMAP4ClientExamineTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.examine method.
Class IMAP4ClientExpungeTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.expunge method.
Class IMAP4ClientFetchTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.fetch method.
Class IMAP4ClientSearchTests Tests for the method.
Class IMAP4ClientSelectTests Tests for the method.
Class IMAP4ClientStatusTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.status method.
Class IMAP4ClientStoreTests Tests for the IMAP4Client.setFlags, IMAP4Client.addFlags, and IMAP4Client.removeFlags methods.
Class IMAP4HelperMixin No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 0/2 class variable, 1/6 method documented
Class IMAP4HelperTests Tests for various helper utilities in the IMAP4 module.
Class IMAP4ServerFetchTests This test case is for the FETCH tests that require a StringTransport.
Class IMAP4ServerParsingTests Test imap4.IMAP4Server's command parsing.
Class IMAP4ServerSearchTests Tests for the behavior of the search_* functions in imap4.IMAP4Server.
Class IMAP4ServerTests No class docstring; 0/11 instance variable, 10/51 methods documented
Class IMAP4UTF7Tests No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 9/9 methods documented
Class LiteralFileTests Tests for imap4.LiteralFile.
Class LiteralStringTests Tests for self.literalFactory.
Class LiteralTestsMixin Shared tests for literal classes.
Class MessageCopierMailbox Undocumented
Class MessageProducerTests No class docstring; 2/5 methods documented
Class MessageSetTests Tests for MessageSet.
Class NewFetchTests No class docstring; 0/10 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 7/39 methods documented
Class NewStoreTests Undocumented
Class PipeliningTests Tests for various aspects of the IMAP4 server's pipelining support.
Class PreauthIMAP4ClientMixin Mixin for SynchronousTestCase subclasses which provides a setUp method which creates an IMAP4Client connected to a StringTransport and puts it into the authenticated state.
Class SASLPLAINTests Tests for SASL PLAIN authentication, as implemented by imap4.PLAINAuthenticator and imap4.PLAINCredentials.
Class SelectionTestsMixin Mixin for test cases which defines tests which apply to both EXAMINE and SELECT support.
Class SimpleClient Undocumented
Class SimpleMailbox Undocumented
Class SimpleServer Undocumented
Class SlowMailbox Undocumented
Class StillSimplerClient An IMAP4 client which keeps track of unsolicited flag changes.
Class SynchronousMailbox Trivial, in-memory mailbox implementation which can produce a message synchronously.
Class TestChecker Undocumented
Class TestRealm A IRealm for tests.
Class TimeoutTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 6/6 methods documented
Class TLSTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/2 class variable, 6/10 methods documented
Class UncloseableMailbox A mailbox that cannot be closed.
Class UnsolicitedResponseTests Undocumented
Class WriteBufferTests Tests for imap4.WriteBuffer.
Function strip Undocumented
def strip(f): (source)
