class documentation

An alias processor that doesn't actually launch processes.

Method spawnProcess Don't spawn a process.

Inherited from ProcessAlias:

Method __init__ No summary
Method __str__ Build a string representation of this ProcessAlias instance.
Method createMessageReceiver Launch a process and create a message receiver to pass a message to the process.
Instance Variable path The arguments to pass to the process. The first string is the executable's name.
Instance Variable program The path of the program to be executed.
Instance Variable reactor A reactor which will be used to create and timeout the child process.

Inherited from AliasBase (via ProcessAlias):

Method domain Return the domain associated with original address.
Method resolve Map this alias to its ultimate destination.
Instance Variable domains See __init__.
Instance Variable original The original address being aliased.
def spawnProcess(self, proto, program, path): (source)

Don't spawn a process.